Monday, September 30, 2013

These are all you need to be stream punk. 

Oh and some buttons. Can't forget the buttons. 


  1. None of those pictures have anything to do with SteamPunk.

  2. That's the stupidest steampunk attempt I've ever seen.

  3. Why does she look like she's chewing on some cud?

    1. She has a an under bite. That's why she always looks like that.

  4. She is really full of herself

  5. I dont see how it wasn't? I mean its not as intense as others but isn't it somewhat? I don't see how this shit was even blog worthy. The pictures were good too....I enjoy this 504 drama but this one is utter bullshit.

    1. You need to go back and relearn Steampunk if you think that's Steampunk. "Somewhat"? Why? Because she's holding a clock? Uhh yeah, no. There's more to Steampunk than clocks.
      The pictures aren't good at all. She looks like ass, and the photography sucks. It's fine for an AWAC, but not as anything professional.
      (And no, this isn't me putting down Jenna, this is me defending Steampunk and photography! If her pics were gorgeous, I'd be stating as much.)

    2. I never said professional did I???? Point is they were decent pictures. I actually liked thme..Can you seriously say all of them looked bad?? Those two posted here arent her best ones..the other ones were better but i just dont think this was blog worthy *SHRUGS*

  6. When will she get that there's nothing steampunk about that shoot? If it was set in some run down factory, sure, I'd get the concept... I guess... but her standing by a building, holding a wrench, just raises the question... WTF is this supposed to be?

  7. I feel genuinely sorry for this girl. She seems to be deprived of a healthy development of attachment and appropriate relationships. This constant need for attention of any kind seems like a desperate cry for help. Especially when you factor in the promiscuity and other self destructive behaviors. It's very sad, but also entertaining.

  8. What in jeebus' name is this?

  9. Lmao and when someone pointed out what steampunk should look like she still couldn't get it!

    1. That was me! Then I posted the definition of steampunk and her idiot ass NEVER responded.
      I guess she felt stupid as fuck.

  10. Princess Consuela, your new recruits are failing you. This is dumb.

    1. Princess Consuela posted this herself genius

    2. There hasn't been much drama today.....and we don't get the emails.

  11. Good grief, she's got some chubby arms.

    1. Winky- I miss you. Where did you go?

    2. I had some real-life issues to deal with and have been caught up in play time with the baby, as well. Everything's gravy, baby!

    3. Glad you are doing well. I'm sorry about your real life issues.

      You could really piss off Jenna and it was awesome.

  12. First, that isn't Steampunk.
    Second, her arms are fat.
    Third, there is no way that any professional took those because her angles are shit. Anyone who has ever watched even one episode of ANTM knows that!

    1. Her mom was the photographer! I never realized having your mommy take pictures of you meant you were a model!

    2. wasn't it her mom that took those? lol

    3. Ohhhh now I get it!
      Okay, well, by Jenna's standards, I'm a model, too. And my arms aren't fat and I don't look like I have a mouth full of cud. Score!

  13. That is some ghetto ass attempt at steampunk. If you're going to do steampunk, do it all the way.

  14. Also, I just have to add that she does look pretty in these photos, but they're edited to oblivion. Her eyes look possessed in every photoshoot she does.

    1. See, I don't think she looks pretty in these photos. I'll be the first to admit that there are times when she DOES look pretty, but side angles are not her friend. When a shot is on her face or body straight on, she looks good - which is something that most of us can't say. But all that butt and boob padding just makes her body look weird. Plus, she's skinny fat. She needs to get her ass (well, the rest of her since no one really knows what her real ass looks like) to a gym.
      She's gotta do something about that jaw. You'd think she'd have enough sense to cut her face out of pics when she looks like that.

    2. Yes. She's skinny fat. Not one ounce of muscle tone because her lazy ass never gets to the gym. Her arms and abs have zero definition. I see 40 year old moms at my kid's school who look better than this because they are always in their work out gear and look toned. They look awesome.

      Sure, she's pretty, but she's young, and her beauty will fade as time goes on. She will probably always be pretty, but less so with time, and you can't stand young forever. She is going to hate aging! The men stop looking as much when you get into your late 20's and she's not far from that...

      Also, regarding the photos. She has the same expression in every, single one- it's annoying, and LOL @ being a "professional" model. How is posing for photos for your mom being a "professional" model? She's not advertising anything!

      And, of course, there is always the ever present bull dog jaw. Girl friend needs some orthodontics if she is going to go around bragging about how hot she is.

      IMO, the only people who should call themselves models are those who are typically 5'7" and taller, who are in major fashion publications such as Marie Claire or Vogue and/or national catalogs- after all, there is a difference between a high fashion model and a commercial model, but both are considered professional if getting PAID and if being seen by thousands of people.

      I really wish 504 would stop calling herself a model. It's just embarrassing for her and an insult to actual models.

    3. She looks like she is snarling or has an underbite. I hate when she does that with her jaw too.

    4. She does have an under bite and always looks like she is snarling.

  15. 1) If this blog makes any kind of money (even 2 pennies) fore should get some kick back. She is the only reason this blog gets traffic.
    2) Could you possibly post things beyond fore? There is drama all over the site you could blog. You have to look beyond MC.
    3) I don't think her arms look fat. She looks like she could use more food in her diet most of the time.

    1. If you want to email me ( ) some of the other drama you see I will happily post it. I have been trying to post other stuff as well, but it's a very fast moving board and I'm not part of many other groups. I'd be happy to post other stuff.

    2. Actually MC has been slow. Which is why so many people are complaining about how slow it has been. No I won't do your footwork. You can take 10 minutes of your time and peruse other groups and see for yourself.

  16. I'm lost wtf is steampunk?

  17. Lmao at the title

    1. I love the title! Isn't it hilarious?

    2. It is. I laugh everytime I see it!

  18. God she is not good looking at all. Who would pay for pics like that? Of her?
