Wednesday, September 11, 2013


  1. Wow at the e-card o.O.that is just fucking wrong on so many levels.

  2. Why anyone would even associate themselves with a bitch group is beyond me.

  3. Mama2_3blessings (or whatever her screenname is) is a fucking cunt! Stupid ass bitch, who the fuck makes fun of someone who is having a miscarriage?

  4. That group makes 504's shit look tame. The members are fine. The admins are psycho. They have the bat cave that members can't see or post in, yet when they inevitably don't get along they post it for the world to see. Its messed up.

  5. Blessing, Why are you so fucked up? You know your kids are going to turn out just like you. I hope they turn out more like me. You would have three MEs running around. Boy that would really piss you off. Blessing with three little MEs running around. :O

  6. This is why I would never join a bitch group. "Bleeding baby Vag?" Fucking disgusting.

  7. I am really horrified that someone would say this to another mother no matter what the circumstances are. Some women do become numb when they miscarry. It takes a while for them to process that they just lost a baby. It sounds like that is what happened to the mom of this post. Regardless of how she phrase her feelings it came down to being numb and not fully understanding what happened. Then it hit her. She really lost a baby. When does people forget that mothers on cm are people with feelings?
