Monday, September 16, 2013

My bad y'all. My bad.
Because nothing is ever Jenna's fault. I totally made her cheat on her husband and take it raw from Austin Rivers. And then tell everyone about it.  /sarcasm


  1. Maybe they all need their lives ruined in order to learn a lesson.

  2. how do we send stuff to you?

    1. Look up in the top right hand corner it says Submit your screenshots, links or tips here!

  3. just today she said she doesn't know AR and *thinks* he's in a relationship.

  4. Why can't she admit that she put her own family, her own CHILDREN, into this mess? Maybe if she learned to keep her legs closed to everyone besides her husband (who is rumored to be the father to none of the 2 (almost 3) kids) than her family wouldn't be fucked up. She's so delusional she can't even admit responsibility for her own shit. Her children will never respect her when they find out what kind of woman she is. And they shouldnt.
