Sunday, September 29, 2013

I eat them while I smoke cigarettes and watch my soaps.


  1. She's so concerned with being 'somebody' and yet if it weren't for CM, no one would have a clue that she exists!
    I don't think she realizes what she's famous for or how in impressive it is.

  2. Apparently her word of the month is Relevant. Annoying. She uses it with practically every post she makes.
    Also, I can say *I'm* actually relevant, you know, to my husband, child, friends, and family. But then again, they aren't making a mil, or b-ball players, or rappers singing about "bitch suck my dick". According to her, they would be the "ain't shit bitches".
    Of course she probably would think it was so cute and adorable (if she had one) if her daughter was twerking and yiking.

  3. Replies
    1. LOL. We all knew that was just a ploy for more attention. She did that, and now when she posts, her posts are bumped up by people asking "WTF are you doing here, thought you left?" INSTANT ATTENTION.
      Her new fuck buddy, iammexi-whatever, keeps bugging the admins to bring you back. She posts about you all the time.

      Do you even want to come back?

    2. We all know that bitch ain't going no where o.O.she brings too much traffic with her crap.

    3. I've messaged them and told them that people want me back. They told me they'd consider it if I didn't insult any members, which is all Forehead does.

      I told them to forget it. It only shows their bad taste in people.

    4. I wish they would let you come back. The admins are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites

    5. too bad, you were one of the good ones :(

    6. That's just all sorts of fucked up ;/

    7. I'm actually glad they didn't allow your pathetic ass back vvinky.

      I'm not that dirty whore 504 BTW

    8. You should point out how much action posts get when you and booty pads go at each other. Money talks.

    9. I dunno, guys. Apparently, the admins think I'm a racist, trashy person and Forehead does no wrong. Maybe they're reading her posts and thinking it's me and vice versa.

      Fuck, who knows.

    10. Yeah, I'm gal they haven't let me back in, either. It's more interesting to watch people rip a bitch to shreds and watch her life crumble than laugh at my jokes, anyway.

    11. Well throwing out the n word will kinda make ppl think that dontcha think?

    12. She's the biggest racist out there, if that's the case.

    13. She throws the N word around ALL the time. But no one bats an eye.

  4. I have seen her posts bumped for days with no replies from her. I don't think she is as obsessed with the site as everyone claims. I am not in any private groups with her so I could be wrong. She is hung up on herself though.

  5. Who the hell eats bon bons anymore?

  6. You have to wonder if she really believes what she says. I'm mean really? Is she trying to convince herself?

  7. Omg, I am so tired of that stupid, skanky BITCH thinking everyone hates her because she's "thin, pretty, and has more stuff" because you know....Everyone else must be fat and ugly and inferior to the 50WHORE! What the FUCK is wrong with that idiot?! She made everyone hate her with her stupid ass millions of Devin posts, degrading her Husband like hell, then always bragging about herself, then her Caramel and Devin posts, and let's see, THEN her Austin Rivers posts. THEN her fucking lying and backpeddling. I wish someone would throw her ass in an institution. She is mental! How can she not see how she fucking annoyed the hell out of so many?! Just look back at all the pure SHIT she has said in the past. People don't fucking like cheating ass skanks who use their Husband, then post millions of posts about some other fuck buddy, gang thug. WHO would like that?! Blind bitch.
    May fatness come over that bitch so she can see has ass would still be hated if she were a 500 pound walrus!

    *Steps off soap box*
