Thursday, September 26, 2013

You have NO IDEA, lmao

And for those that care, CheesyKitty nailed it.


  1. Aww, I made it and not in a bad way!! lol

  2. I was that anon! =P I LOVE this blog. Shhhhh.

  3. Random unrelated question anyone give me any kind of tips on getting anon back?

    1. message the admins and beg for it back. Promise them you'll be good from now on. (you can have your fingers crossed, they won't know)

    2. If you want to keep your anon, refrain from calling forehead a backwoods redneck. Apparently the CM gods don't like that!

  4. Well spank my ass and call me dirty. I made the throne! This is such a defining moment in my life. LOL ;)

    Anywho. I had a third comment saying it was for liability too. The mugshots are public info on a public website. No one can do anything with them. The address and number is completely different. If anything were to happen you can't be responsible for that shit. She seemed to think it's all the same.

    At least I got a good laugh. I don't know why so many people think you're Jenna or are obsessed with her. *shrugs* I love the throne. :)

  5. I'm CheesyKitty! I win!
