Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I'd like to start this post by saying that I USED to like NeonGirl. Unfortunately, she has show her true colors. Next time, go anon you giant asshat!


She proves her ignorance....

Good Lawd! This bitch can't be serious!

Let's learn a little bit 'bout this douchebag!

Not Very Christian like, now are we?


  1. Stupid her, seems like she uses the same screenname on all sorts of websites. It's not hard to find her name at all.

  2. Not gonna lie, i had no clue who he is/was. *shrugs*

    Only thing wrong with her posts is the sickening racism and use of the N word. *barf*

  3. Wow....I've got nothing here.

  4. Who doesnt know who Nelson Mandela was and all he did????
    I'm going to forget I read this because I can't even imagine there's people that choose to be so ignorant.

    1. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

    2. He isn't exactly a part of most history books. You realize most countries focus on their own history, right?

    3. True, but I know for a fact that most schools offer some sort of world history class. There's also something to be said for keeping up with current events. Nelson Mandela was in the news for some time as a result of his illness, and I know they spoke of what he did during those blurbs.

    4. Please tell me your kidding. Nelson Mandela was responsible for the downfall of apartheid! You've never studied world history? So you must have no knowledge of Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Gorbachev, Hussien? Come on! That was middle and high school history for me!

    5. I really did not pay much attention in school. I hated school and only counted down the days until i could drop out.

      Also I do not own a tv nor do i watch the news. Im just not into that kind of stuff.

      Im a psych major not a history buff.

    6. Wait... you dropped out of school, yet you're a psych major? Yup. Makes perfect sense.

      Well, it seems as though you're living quite the rich, full life there, anon. I bet it's cozy there under your rock.


    7. Just because I dropped out of school does not mean I couldn't make something of my life.

      So shove it.

  5. Yeah, ok. Real Christian like attitude. Bigot.

  6. Lol at he was a niger. Seriously, if these racists are gonna insult people, they should at least spell the racial slur right.

    1. Who knew he was a country, right? Lmao.

    2. I really wanted to respond "I don't think he was Nigerien" just to be a smart ass, but it was gone.

  7. I knew this chick was a piece of shit weeks ago. I actually remember reading some of her replies and thinking " What a dumb sack of shit".
    So, no shock here.

  8. I knew this chick was a piece of shit weeks ago. I actually remember reading some of her replies and thinking " What a dumb sack of shit".
    So, no shock here.

  9. I can't remember if I liked her, or thought she was a moron before this. Her sn is familiar though, and clearly now I think she's a moron.

  10. Why should I believe you used to be like that & aren't still are?

  11. Wow, even my 12 year old knows who he is.
