Monday, December 9, 2013


  1. ...I agree with her.

    Maybe not about getting fired. But come on, don't people know how to bag shit?

    1. Ditto. I once had a bagger put my raw hamburger in with grapes. The yuckyness from the hamburger got all over my grapes.

      I have also had them put my bread in the same bag as my cans. Needless to say, my bread was smushed by the time I got home.

    2. Don't you people know to put your meat in a clear produce bag so when it is bagged to go home there is no cross contamination issues?

    3. Yes, I've had that happen with my bread too! My 7 yr old DD watches them like a hawk and will tell them "No, that's not right" if they aren't bagging properly. I've taught her well! Lol

  2. What the fuck is "a roast?" I've never heard this anywhere other than CM. Is is a pot roast? Roast beef? Roast pork?

    1. The only roast I've ever bought are those vegan field roasts, and that shit's vacuum-sealed.

    2. I have only ever called a pot roast a roast.

  3. I get serious rage about stupid baggers at grocery stores! Raw mean should never be in the same bags with anything else, vegetable shouldn't be thrown around, and eggs and bread go on top!
    It isn't rocket science!

    1. While this is true, I don't believe it's something to fire someone over. In most cases, grocery store baggers are teenage boys (IDIOTS), elderly men (let them get away with it, they're darling) or developmentally disabled adults (give em a break).... I don't bitch when my things are bagged for me.. I praise the Spaghetti Monster and move things if I notice something I don't wish it to accompany. I also wrap my meats in the clear produce bags. Everyone has gone full retard on this post.

    2. I shop at Target, the check out people bag the groceries. The stupid thing is that I group my groceries on the belt so they can be bagged properly and still the can't do it.
      I wouldn't get someone fired over it but I have requested new bread when it gets smushed and new eggs when they are broken due to stupid bagging practices.

  4. Seriously? You people don't know what a roast is?

  5. I've never eaten an actual one, so it's only fair for me not to know.

    # ionlyeathippiefood
