Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hell! This girl takes more selfies than some other attention whores we all know, ahem! She changes her screen name like a gal changes underwear. She's got issues that no one else has never experienced, ahem. She may just be a walking contradiction. Wait, what am I thinking! She is a walking contradiction! It took me hours to read through the three lives of this lady! Pages and pages and pages of selfies, bridesmaid drama, and her finding God!
One things for certain....this little lady bleeds like the rest of Juggalo population, orange Faygo....Without further ado.....
The Story of the Traveling Juggalette

Understand before you judge!

She's planning a wedding you know! Every little bit helps!

She loves Twiztid so much she.....
She branded her Bazooms!

She got drama, yo! Uncle Andy be in the clink!

But! Happy days ahead! She's planning the most wonderful day of her life! With the greatest man eva!
Sure sounds like a free trip to Stanford Connecticut!

She shared her dream wedding with us!

But, really....

And her seven bridesmaids.....

But really....leggings, rainbows, bridesmaid drama, flip flops, and two buck necklaces.

The happy couple...
Mr. and Mrs. Juggalo!
Raise your plastic bottle of orange Faygo and toast these two crazy kids!
I wonder if they honeymooned at The Gathering of the Juggalos!

We were all there when she renounced her Juggalette lifestyle and found the Lord y'all! Halleluiah!

God doesn't want you to work gurrrlll! Even if your family struggelos!

I wish I could hear that!

Here's the walking contradiction part......Hmmmmmm.

You're not sober sweetheart.....Nope.

She loves her family! She's from a very large blended family! And a proud aunt ever since her baby sister spawned!

Now, ladies, I'd like you to clear your head, pretend Kenny Rogers is singing Through the Years and enjoy this lovey photo montage of our little Juggalo all growns up!

On That note, let me end by sayin'


  1. That girl is a giant mess. Wasn't she the one that was going on a trip to see some guy you could pay to get rid of any demons you have inside?

    1. Yep, that was her in all her height and glory. Lol

  2. Ugh is all I can say.

  3. WUT
    I didn't make this connection. Smdh.

    I can't even figure out what to say right now. I might have to come back later.

  4. soooooo wifeyy2lette....baby8901 and newinchrist are the same person??????

    1. Yep.
      You can run, but you can't hide. bahahahaha

    2. This however has been old news.

    3. It's a featured user. Of course it's all old stuff.

  5. ....seems like a waste of time to put all that together.

    1. It was a jolly good time! Did you read the whole post and feel you wasted time?

    2. I feel like I need a shower lol

      what a nut

  6. ninja-motherfucking-screennameDecember 8, 2013 at 10:15 PM

    That girl is a trashy train wreck. I cannot stand her.

  7. Ew. What a fucking trashy mess

  8. There is also the epic anon glitch big reveal in which she got busted for stealing presents from the Dollar store, and cheated on her husband. I don't have screen shots but I bet someone does. Also she sold a car seat she got from Medicaid for free. She is the very definition of WHITE TRASH!!!

    1. Yes, I remember this too. We all found out she cheated on her husband during the glitch, but I don't remember the bit about stealing from the Dollar Tree. Good Lord!

      Is she for real?

  9. She's not on there anymore, but you should look up wittyscreenname. TRAIN WRECK! I heard she's come back as Missy_Anon.

    1. Thanks for the tip!! I'll start snooping around!

    2. NewinChrist left the site? That's odd, I could have sworn I saw her on there within the last week or two.

    3. She's still there as NewInChrist. She liked my replies on a funny post a few minutes ago. *lydiasmommy12*

  10. What's bad is that before her wedding, she said she was cancelling it because her husband (then-fiancée) beat her and she begged us not to let her go through with it.

    I really hoped she wasn't pregnant again and I do feel bad for her children to be subjected to her chaotic life. If she really is looking to have a higher being change her life around, then Godspeed.

    1. Damn Winky.. *tear*

    2. I remember that! It wasn't even a week after she made the big proclamation that the wedding was off, that it was back on again and she was asking what gifts she should get for her rainbow colored, potato sack clad bridesmaids. Seriously, that wedding should go down in Trailer Trash history.

  11. Lmfao at the dress to be ordered compared to the one actually worn, not to mention the rainbow dresses for her bridesmaids.

  12. She would actually be kind of cute if she quit dying her hair all kinds of weird funky colors and wore flattering clothes that not only fit her body but covered up that atrocious chest tattoo.

    1. And if she lost about 60-80 pounds.

      Just being honest.

    2. Stop being jealous winky. You know you want to be a fatty.

    3. If I could take back the 75 pounds I lost over the past year, I'd totally do it.


    4. No no no, winky likes sticking her fingers down her throat!

  13. Huh! I learned something new today. And that is why I love this blog (and I hope I never make it on here).

  14. I would like to see a post featuring YuppyMom. From what I hear, she got busted during the glitch for cheating on her husband, and apparently, she has quite the history of being full of crap. I guess she used to be on Yahoo messenger boards and got busted on there and Facebook for being a fake.

    1. I saw her post the other day about a security guard escorting her out of the mall because she had a lot of expensive items. Someone brought up something she had on FB but I went to bed before they said what it was. Care to share?

    2. Make sure you check out my Saturday Night Star this week! (Wink wink!)

  15. if i hadnt seen all the selfies, I wouldnt have been sure that was all the same person. Thats why I read this blog though, to figure out who all the crazies are.

  16. She actually married UP. Lol

  17. Don't forget.... She was married before AND she dabbled in girl crotch!

    1. I didn't know that! Gross! Who'd want their mouth in HER snatch? She looks like a pig.

  18. That before/ after pic is amazing. She was CUTE!

    1. I agree. She looked cute in that before picture from 4 years ago.

  19. Hopefully some screen shots of last night's post about her makes its way here. Lmao. Both she and PinkHart got called the fuck out.

    1. Lol. I called out pinkhart. That bitch annoys me.

    2. It was great. Her husband's little dick will forever be remembered, as will her dramatic reaction.

  20. Bitch needs to lose some weight.
