Sunday, January 19, 2014

What a senseless, heartbreaking event.



  1. That is a song he wrote for his wife and kids to show you what kind of guy he was. Very sad

    1. I will imbed it in the post when I get back on the computer.

  2. Wait, so Glittery killed this dude and she's defending him?

    1. Pretty much, but what else is new?

  3. she's seriously defending him? The jail bird, low life scum sucking rapist turned murderer? She's right fucked in the head.

  4. Holy hell! What the fuck? This is her son's biological father! Devin is going away for a long time once they find him, and, rest assured, they will find him. He'll be lucky if he lives until 30 once he's in the clinker. The poor kid. With a jailbird for a dad and a whore for a mother, what chance does he have?

  5. Stop defending him you dumb whore!

    1. She's not. That's a very old screen shot from probably about a year ago.

    2. I know that. I meant for this comment to go under the next post, where she is defending him on Facebook, or something like that. Nothing has changed. She still defends him.

  6. Incredibly sad! What a trashy wench, trying to out herself in the center of this, as if she actually matters in the world.

  7. RIP to this man. My heart breaks for his family

  8. What a dumb ass. She KNOWS how he is. She has point blank admitted he's done terrible, terrible things because he is a THUG gang member. She even said he has tried to kill before!! Ding, ding, ding, bitch! When are you going to quit being so fucking stupid? That's rhetorical because we know it won't happen. ;p and wtf is she bringing HERSELF in it for? It's not "her life." It's some loser she knows...Far off from her. She is always using disasters and tragedies to gain personal attention. You know, like how she gets jealous over other people who DIE and SUFFER from natural disasters because the spot light isn't on her and her "Katrina experience in 05 which literally did nothing to her, and how she made it about her when someone else said they should just commit suicide. Stupid bish. Lol

  9. You missed the ss of where he has PTSD and she is defending him in that post.

    1. Yeah... no. Both my df and I have ptsd connected to our multiple deployments, and there's no way in hell either one of us would use it as an excuse for murder. In fact, using it as an excuse cheapens the struggle of people who are seriously afflicted by it, and she should be ashamed of herself for even using that argument. Then again, we all know she's incapable of feeling shame.

  10. She is telling people on her facebook a rumor that the victim pulled a weapon on him first. For someone who claims to have no contact., she is acting like she knows it all.

  11. I hope Devin fries for this. If Jenna knows something, she could get charged for withholding information and being an accessory after the fact.The police have to have contacted her to see if she knows where he is.

  12. This coming out makes me believe, for the first time, that all the shit she has said is true. I really thought she was the mastermind of trolling. This is really heartbreaking, and it is also heartbreaking to see that she will never stop bringing dangerous people and situations around her boys. They will never truly be safe, or know REAL stability.
