Thursday, January 23, 2014

But here, let me just post 10 more pictures of him real quick, K?


  1. She is a fucking idiot

  2. I like the new layout btw

    1. Me too, it's very bright though

  3. Wow, 12 pictures of him!

  4. She has deleted her fb for now...she'll be back! And the status update on the sheriff's page about devin being captured....people went off on her! Great entertainment! She is a freaking idiot!

    1. But her instagram is still going strong, lmao

    2. Oh, those replies back to her were AWESOME!

    3. Of course! She's an attention whore. She's got to have some way to still make her feel relevant. Even though she will never be anything, but a classless, nasty, dieseased whore. I feel for her kids:(

    4. Wow they even have cafemom and this blog mentioned on that website. I am glad everyone sees how crazy and delusional she is.

    5. I thought her instagram wasn't public anymore?

    6. Yeah she consistently adds a pic to IG and tries her best to get likes on them! I'm still amused over her pic of AR and was like "I know I'm not supposed to say anything about you or to you" ugh ATTENTION WHORE!

    7. Wasn't that pic of AR and her message to him so unbelievably desperate and pathetic? That chick has ZERO pride. ZERO.

  5. I LOVE IT!!!
    The new look, not this post. LOL

  6. I really can't believe her husband is that dumb... I think she's lying about him too.

  7. I would love a link to the sheriffs page.

    1. I think I posted it on the FB page, let me check

    2. Found it, thanks! I love the new look btw!

  8. I can't get over how bad her skin is... Can you say crater face!

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Her skin is nasty. She needs a course Accutane STAT, except she'd have to keep her legs closed long enough to not get pregnant while on it, and well...never mind, that would never happen.

  9. UGLY mo'fo'!


  10. Those replies back to her on the Sheriff FB page were well warranted. Oh, and she's just sooooo broken up by all of this that she continues to post glamour shots of herself on her IG! If I didn't think there was something seriously wrong with her before all of this, I know for sure now. Not only is she a narcissist, but she is psychotic and delusional as well.

  11. This may have been stated before, but apparently when Jenna deleted her FB, all of her comments went with (which is odd, because I've had friends delete their FBs and their comments on my stuff remained. Hmm.). That's a disappointment. I really wanted to read those comments in context with what crap she was spewing.


    1. Yes, her replies are gone, which was disappointing. I wish I could have read them, but reading the ones where people told her off was great.

    2. I think that she deleted them before she deleted her account. Well, suspended her account because we all know that a white trash attention whore cannot stay away for too long. I'm sure that you all will get a shit ton more views since I posted your link on JPSO's FB page when someone posted about you all in there.

    3. I had a feeling she deleted them herself before deactivating her account. What's really ironic about all of that was she couldn't call those other people "jealous bitches" because no one knew who the hell she was, except that they were confused as to why she was so hell bent on defending a cold blooded murderer. When is she ever going to learn that the reason no likes her is NOT because they are jealous and want to be her? It's so far from the truth at this point. Who would want to be her? She's a train wreck.

  12. Ho-ly shit, those Facebook comments are seriously going at her!

    LMFAO. I can't help but laugh. When you put all your fucking dirty laundry out there, the world is going to get a whiff.

  13. Oh you know she's gonna latch on as Glittery's woman to get a shot in his murder spotlight.

  14. UGH you changed the format AGAIN! It's cool but damn, it's super bright and white!

    1. Yeah, hate the white personally, and I can't just click on the pictures and have them blow up now. What's going on?!?! >:[
      How about light pink?

  15. Hilarious her instagram is no longer private. CRAVES the attention!!!

    1. her instagram was NEVER private

    2. She would never make her IG private! Then she wouldn't get all of the attention she thinks she's getting. What she doesn't realize it about the only attention she's really getting is from horny little teenage boys! The ones that don't realize how nasty she truly is!!

    3. Yes it was for a couple days after glittery popped someone.

  16. wait, so she took a picture with him AFTER he killed someone and was arrested? He killed the guy on the 18, and arrested on the 21. This makes no sense

    1. No she just uploaded a whole lot of old pictures of him.

    2. ok, gotcha. thanks PC

  17. Jenna just keeps getting more and more disliked, and she just keeps digging that hole deeper. I am honestly embarrassed FOR her with how exposed she has made herself and NOT in a good way at all. Even complete strangers are catching on to her antics immediately, and yet I'm sure she's still sitting there telling herself she has "haters" because she's "pretty" or some high school shit she thinks in her little mind when it's really that to everyone else she looks like/comes off as a mental patient who needs intense help, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. :/

    1. I was thinking the exact same thing. Complete strangers were calling her out, who had no idea what she looks like, or the #ballerwannabelife she supposedly lives. These are not people who hate her for superficial reasons or because they had an argument with her on MC. They hate her because they see her for exactly who she is, a woman obsessed with a man who rapes and kills and sells drugs, a very, very bad person. She's sick.

  18. Oh, and she goes on a picture upload spree of him all of a sudden now that he's in the public eye for murder? Isn't that just interesting. Bat shit crazy girl clings to disasters if that means she gets publicity from them. For someone who was 'dead to her' that's pretty fucked up.

  19. What's her IG? She is the world's biggest train wreck. I love it! She is one person if I ever saw IRL that I would walk up to and kick in the shin hard.

    1. search 504nolamama on IG

    2. Wait until you see her photos and her hashtags. Your eyes will roll so many times you'll be afraid they will get stuck that way lol! The amount of narcissism and self delusion she portrays is just...shocking. I have never seen anything like it, even for women in her generation who tend to post selfies of themselves every 5 seconds thinking they are Kim Kardashian or something. She takes the cake. She wins the prize, and not in a good way. Also, she has relatively few followers despite trying her hardest to get more. It's just so...laughable.
