Tuesday, January 14, 2014

You know you sang along in your head.

I am not ignoring you. I am reading/approving your comments and complaints. It's really about the only thing I've had time to do lately, blog and CM wise. 
I've seen complaints about my new  helpers, the bitch group drama and my lack of posting. 

Well my lovelies, suck it up. 
I am fucking SWAMPED. I try to log in and go through the comments as often as I can (ironically its when I run to go pee. Don't you feel closer to me now, knowing that?). 

This last month and probably the next 2 are so jam packed with shit I have to do that my family is living off take out, my roots are a hot mess and don't even get me started on the backlog of laundry I have. 

I am SO thankful that these ladies have stepped up and offered to help me. I like that they post things that I normally wouldn't. I like that once they start a story, they follow up on it. 

As far as I can tell MC has been pretty dead lately. There haven't really been any links or screenshots in the email from it. 

LE has said that she will try to stay away from the groups so that should add some variety back. Hopefully Wren will keep that area going. The goal is to have a mix, but this shit comes in waves. 
Just ride it out lol 


  1. Girl, go get your hair did, catch up on your laundry and do all that important family stuff. Some of these women lose sight that there ARE some who have an actual life outside of CM. your minions are doing a fine job. If anyone says otherwise, well, they can just go start their own effing blog and show us how it's done, right?
    Don't worry about it, mama. If you lose any readers, you know you'll get new ones.

    1. Well said!

    2. where have you been woman!!!!

    3. Are you talking to me or Tardis?

    4. I am still around. I took a break and have a new name now.

  2. I am cool with the bitch group drama it's better than the mc troll shit. Probably because i am in all the bitch groups and you have been informing me where I need to go read lol.

  3. I understand all of that, but then why have this blog at all if it is taking away from your family life, your personal appearance and keeping your house in order? I would never sacrifice those things for this, which you're not even getting paid for doing! It's crazy!

    MC sucks lately, but for those of us who refuse to join bitch groups, most of what has been submitted and posted here lately is total nonsense.

    I say it's time to get back to basics.

    1. lol, the blog isn't taking away from anything. The blog is what's been left on the cutting room floor. The things that pay me are what is eating up all my time.

    2. Ahhhh. ok- I see what you're saying now! Hope you take some time to take care of yourself and yours. :)

  4. I love the work all of you have been doing and Princess is so right on everything she said. If they want more MC then the bitches in MC need to make it worth reading.

  5. I think it would be better if a basic synopsis was given as to what the fuck is going on in whatever bitch group post that is posted. All that is posted is ss and a bunch of us are like WTF is going on.

    1. I agree. People are complaining because they don't know what the hell is going on. If you're not part if the bitch groups, the posts about them make zero sense. That's why it seems like a bunch of inside jokes. Just kind of clue us in a bit and you'll prob have less complaints from those of us who follow your blog.

    2. Ditto on this. I feel the same way.

  6. I'm glad I have other concerns in life than an online blog on CafeMom.

    Consey, do your thang.

    1. Yet you are here frequently and seem to be in the loop about everything. Not to mention all the drama that surrounds you. Hmmm yeah ok have other concerns

    2. I'm not here frequently and rarely have any drama about me on here or in person. You must have me mistaken for somebody else.

    3. I have to agree with other anon besides myself on this one. You may very well have other concerns in your life, but don't act like the blog is something you don't follow or have the inside scoop on because that's simply just not true.

    4. Exactly. Go through the comments you see winky throughout. You keep up with this blog. So while you may have other concerns, this blog is one of them because you follow it. As for the drama surrounding you, yeah that's why your bitch ass is laying low or left cm all together. You hung onto 504's nuts and damn near lost your mind. Then it came out you were racist and this is your new hang out spot.

    5. I wish I was a crazy racist. I wouldn't be so damn boring and people would pay attention to me.

    6. That's where you're wrong. People obviously do pay attention to you here and on CM. As for the feud between you and 504, well that was one for the ages.

    7. Lmfao. Anon above winky you a such a dumb cunt. She didn't leave. She is still in private groups.

    8. hey dumb cunt above me, winky can defend herself just fine. Sorry I don't go do roll call on cm to find out how often she's there. I don't see her in MC anymore and that's where I frequent. Go swish swish your fucking cape somewhere else.

    9. For knowing me so well, you would have known about my banishment from MC many months ago, along with several people mentioning that when they ask where I am.

      Maybe you should do roll call more often.

    10. Oh I'll brush up on my stalker skills as long as you can keep all your lies straight, racist. You know I don't like 504 but I can see why she hated you lol

    11. Because I'm smart, funny, and witty? Yeah, I'd hate me, too, if I were lacking in those departments.

    12. You are nuts and none of what you described. I used to think you were funny until I saw a whole new side of you. 504 really brought out your ugly. why let an internet stranger get the best of you like that?
