Wednesday, January 22, 2014


  1. She is such a self absorbed whore

  2. So who tells her oldest his daddy is a murderer twice over? I really wish her husband would man up and kick her ass to the curb, the boys don't need to be around her and her "lifestyle".

  3. Devin is such a piece of shit. Scum, and if she doesn't see that by now she is so much more fucked up than she already seems. Why post pictures of him?! Most horrible people are just like that! A lot of people don't know how horrible they really are! But with that said, I don't think Devin even hid that. Just look at all the bad things she's said he's done. That's not normal or a good person. That's a bad person. Even before this..He can ACT sweet and ACT nice all he wants, doesn't mean he's not a piece of shit. RIP to that guy and I'm so glad he's locked up and away from other people he will just end up hurting.

  4. You're such an idiot trying to say she's make it about herself

    Quoting 504bbymami: That is so sad :( a little ironic, even. The girl who messaged me told me that Bowie's last fb status was something saying " lets stop the violence and everyone just get along and have fun tonight", or something to that effect.

    This really does hurt my heart deeply. It is amazing how one stupid action has effected so many people and changed so many lives. And I know some people think I'm trying to "make it all about me" but I'm def not. I can't help but react to the stimuli. Of course I'm gonna have feelings and emotions and a reaction to it. Kwim? I'd be a heartless, mindless robot. Of course it has effected me. That doesn't mean I'm trying to make anything about me. It's not about me but it certainly has an affect on me.

    1. Oh please. This has nothing to do with her and yet here she is constantly updating in the bitch groups

    2. If she really wanted to not make it about herself, she'd delete her Facebook and delete her Cafemom account and shut up about it.

  5. God she needs to just stop.

    How would anyone even KNOW to contact her?

    1. She's all over the sheriff's facebook page defending Devin. That's probably how and why his family contacted her.

  6. I'm no law expert, but why the hell would a four year old be dragged into this?

    1. He wouldn't, she's just an idiot. He had noting to do with the situation, and they would not call in a 4 year old child who the defendant had nothing to do with as a character witness. She's just looking for attention.

    2. She's not the one who said that you dumb ass. The other girl did but she edited her reply.

  7. Why the hell would she even bring up her 4 year old as being apart of it. She's so fucking insane its not even funny.

    1. The other girl asked about her son and then edited her reply. So is the other girl the insane one?

    2. Posting her sadness about it, to me, isn't her trying to make it all about her.

      But saying anything about her and his child absolutely is.

  8. Hmmmmm she is an admin in DI yet spent the whole day (just about) in HOIR?
    Good going Jenna :::slow clap:::

    1. I am a DI Admin and she is a member but not an admin.

    2. Then you are a horrible admin, cuz I am looking at the admin list for Devil's Icebox right now and her name it there lol

  9. Sorry but any fucker who sets lizards on fire is a psychopath.

    She's mentally ill. Its scary.

  10. But mikes on the birth certificate so why would the kid be dragged into this? At least that's what she said anyway.

  11. Stupid cow! I know you're reading this. Your beloved Devin took a life for no reason- Bowie was someone's son, brother, husband and FATHER! Yet here you are posting photos of you with him "in better times." There were no better times. He's been on this path for awhile- a rapist, a drug dealer, a THUG.

    I didn't think it was possible to for anyone to think any lower of you than they already did, but this is the icing on the cake, lady.

    Why don't you stop pretending like you care and go on your merry way, posting selfies of yourself and your handbags on IG like you are Kim Kardashian or something. Even she's not as much of a pig as you are, and that's not saying much.

    Shame on you for getting involved in this. Shame on you for making it about you. SHAME ON YOU. Someone with true class and grace would have handled it much differently. You're nothing but trash through and through. Just stop it now with this. STOP IT.

    1. "Stupid cow! I know you're reading this. Your beloved Devin took a life for no reason- Bowie was someone's son, brother, husband and FATHER! Yet here you are posting photos of you with him "in better times." There were no better times. He's been on this path for awhile- a rapist, a drug dealer, a THUG.I didn't think it was possible to for anyone to think any lower of you than they already did, but this is the icing on the cake, lady."

      Truer words have never been spoken...

  12. Oh, and dumbass, I highly doubt they will call in a 4 year to stand witness to a murder trial because A) he's too young B) he wasn't there when it happened and C) for a character reference? Devin didn't even pay child support for this kid or take care of him at all, so how is that supposed to make a jury seem more sympathetic to him? It won't.

    Glittery is going DOWN for this one. He's going away for a long time. Good. One less menace in the world.

  13. Funny how now that Devin has done something horrible she yells that her 4yr old is really Devins with pride. Yet every other time shes been called out for it she goes around It.

    She really is pathetic. Any attention she can get.

    1. Where did she explicitly state that the 4 year old is Devin's? I think I missed something. I'm not doubting you, I just didn't see it.

  14. She is so full of it. This is all becoming about her. I have no sympathy for her or her boy toy.

  15. Why would she be called in?
    Why would her child?

    Were they THERE with him?

    Was she harboring him while he ran?

    so why is she involved?
    Exactly.... she was around him and probs cheating on her man. Why else would she be called to court unless she was there.

  16. She needs to make it seem like her and her son are important in all this, when they're not. It has nothing to do with her, but being the complete attention whore she is, she needs to find ways to direct attention to herself for it. Why would the police want to talk to a 4 year old boy who is biologically Devin's but that he didn't see and didn't give a shit about? They wouldn't, but she needs to play up the 'poor me victim' angle. I'm sure it's killing her that all this drama went down and she didn't get to be right in the middle, so she's shoving her way in.

  17. Apple wants to recognize me as Wonky Loafer, by the way.

    1. Why do I get redirected to "" everytime I click your screenname?

    2. That's the URL I put into the "Name/URL" section.

  18. She is crazy..since she loves Devin so much maybe she should go to prison with him. GAHHH..makes me sick. I have ties to Bowies family and reading all this just makes me want to bitch slap her. She is even making comments on Jefferson Parish Sheriff facebook. Someone called her out on how she is posting about this situation all over the internet And as far as Bowies fb status she is refering to...this is it.... OK EVERYONE TOM NIGHT IS CLOSE LOL ALL I ASK IS NO FIGHTING PLEASE!!!! LETS ALL HAVE A GOOD TIME N GET SMASHED! EVERYONE WHOS COMING PLEASE BE THERE FOR 9PM LETS PACK IT AS FAST AS WE CAN!!! THERE ARE ACOUPLE ARTIST PERFORMING TOM NIGHT SO LETS SHOW SOME LOVE!!!! WITH THAT BEING SAID THERES ONLY ONE THING LEFT TO SAY!!! TTTUUURRRNNNNNN UUUUPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!

  19. Start taking bets on how long until the pretend mental breakdown happens.

  20. I graduated high school with Bowie's uncle. I told his uncle who she was and maybe that is why she's getting the shit that is getting. Good for her. Hope she deletes everything because she is nothing but a self absorbed piece of wannabe westbank trash. Wish I could watch her shitshow in CM, but I'm not in these groups that you show. So, thanks for posting so that I can continue to share this shitshow with Bowie's family.

  21. I vote we give him the electric chair, and we strap this ego driven, worn out cunt to his lap. Two for the price of one, and the world is a better place. Who is with me?

  22. She is being eaten alive on the facebook page right now. Talk about her dirty laundry being aired.

    1. She deactivated her facebook. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

  23. I always thought she was FULL OF SHIT about her first son being Devins and the reason why is because I was around before she got popular in Confessions and she would sit there and obsess over Devin in the private groups to us, and she said she was jealous and WISHED SHE HAD A KID BY DEVIN. She was actually pouting and getting jealous because she didn't! Then a year later in Confessions she tried to vaguely say she did. If she did lie about that, that's pretty shitty to her Husband, but hey...It's not like that's anything new. I just think it's a fantasy of hers because she has also admitted he is like a god to her. Literally.

    1. I've always thought the same thing. I think she's crazy.

  24. I thought she hated him and whatnot? She has issues .....

  25. I wonder if she has ever felt as important as she feels right now?! Lol. What a sad, pathetic life!

  26. Jeebus. Talk about troll.
    Wasn't it Jenna herself who said she didn't even know Bowie? Yet now, somehow SHE's the one that his family is "lashing out at". Bitch, please, like they even know you exist. Oh, wait...I guess they must after all the defending of Devin on every fucking story she could find about it.

    This girl is as fucking pathetic as they come. Narcissistic Personality Disorder, anyone?
    I really didn't think she could get any more disgusting as a human being, but as always, she proves me wrong.


