Friday, January 10, 2014






Anyone have any interesting posts from her as primmed? Feel free to email them to either Consuela or myself:!


  1. Harassment: Do not harass or bully others. Anyone using Blogger to harass or bully may have the offending content removed or be permanently banned from the site. Online harassment is also illegal in many places and can have serious offline consequences.

    1. Compiling posts is not harassment.

    2. Somebody has their feelings hurt.

    3. Lmao anon. Are you dumb? How is this harassment? All this is posted on a public forum

  2. Reposting something someone else posted to a public site does not rise to the legal standard for harassment, moron.

  3. Following and compiling one persons posts and bringing them to the table to invite insult is absolutely harassment. You may want to look up laws concerning exactly what constitutes cyberbullying. Your blog and this post have both been reported to the department of criminal justice services.

    1. "Following and compiling one persons posts and bringing them to the table to invite insult is absolutely harassment. You may want to look up laws concerning exactly what constitutes cyberbullying. Your blog and this post have both been reported to the department of criminal justice services."

      You are both hilarious and delusional.

    2. DOJ has their hands full with Reddit. I'm sure they'll get to it sometimes in the next decade lmao

    3. No, it isn't. Why don't you earn a law degree and then come back and make that call.

    4. Freak, you need to chill the fuck out. Seriously. Get a script for Xanax, take a bubble bath, have a glass of wine, but chill the guck out. I think you need to update your 1980's book of laws and realize, the Internet is fair game. She put the stuff on the Internet. It wasn't stolen from her personal files, she put it up there.
      Refold your tin hat and move away from the microwave.

    5. Wah! Wah! Wah!!!!

    6. Hey, Ms. Legal Expert. . Can I sue to get all my money and the years spent in school back? It's apparent I fucked up getting those degrees and spending all that money.? Gee! what were they thinking by making people get a Law Degree and passing the Bar? Apparently anyone could/should have just walked into any court room with a self printed, google certificate declaring they can preform half asses google searches and be qualified to represent the Code of Law, and make threats online in regards to legal matters like you. Um, yeah, No! Maybe you should research the laws of what constitutes harassment and bullying more thoroughly first, or better yet consider going to law school and leaning a few things.

    7. Ops! Persnickety, I think I quoted you instead of Ms. Legal Expert at the top of this chain. LMAO Anyway damn, it's meant for her.

    8. The anon at 12:47 sounds like a total retard. I'm sure you went to law school. All attorneys speak like that. Um yeah, no! Gee! Fucking idiot. You're not even coherent online, I'm sure you make valid arguments in court.

      Go clean your dirty trailer, dumbass.

  4. Yes, because doj cares about a mom site with whiny women who can't handle their own problems. Way to take resources away from the hunt for child pornography. I mean cause that pails in comparison to cm drama

  5. Lmao harassment? That is too funny.

  6. I am fucking blind. bitch needs a tan and a whole shitload more class.

  7. Go ahead and laugh. A former cafemom member was able to get a site similiar to this one taken down.

    What the whiner failed to mention is, googlr/blogger won't remove any content unless they are court ordered to.

    Now, unless you are the user profiled here or somewhere else on this blog, cut the whining and go talk to your attorney and see how far you can take it.

    1. That particular person's REAL information was being used. Her real name, her physical address, family members' names, etc. They were also contacting her offline and making threats. What's going on here does not rise to that level. Sorry to disappoint.

  8. what ambulance chasing, shady tree lawyer did you get a consult from? LMFAO

  9. I hope all your ugly monkey faced kids that you neglect by spending too much time on CM get cyberbullied. Karma, bishes. Karma.

  10. My molester is in a wheelchair with a tracheotomy. Karma most certainly does exsist.

    1. Then what did you do wrong? What was karma repaying you for?

    2. Karma's not repaying me. It's repaying a man who molested a little girl. He's in a wheel chair, on a trach, and he's 38. I never told anybody because I was too scared and karma got him. I really hope he dies.

    3. What he did to you was gross but his current physical health has nothing to do with it.
