Sunday, January 5, 2014

A rather different look than we had last week, with Bitch Groups slowly leaving the Top 10.  VixSins continues to top the charts while HOIR makes a large jump and the Haunted Realm slides in to the Top 10.
#1 VixSins 
Clam bumping at it's finest, it amazes me that this group is number one.  The group is a mixture of high school head cheerleaders and the fat girls that wanted to be them, it's basically like Mean Girls in a group.  It's cute that TugBoatWifey allows Smitty to wear sweatpants at her Diva Table, though.  That's her good deed for the year, befriending a fatty; let's hope she doesn't catch it!
At the moment, the hottest post at Vix is Iron.Beauty's "Let's Troll MC" post, which has sparked a myriad of activity for THE THRONE today. You may even recognize some of them ;-)
Apparently SkellyBird is responsible for the 76 pound toddler.
#2 House of Ill Repute
One of the most hated groups of Café Mom finally shows back up to the Top five this week.  Upon entrance of the group it is hard to tell how they are number 2 with ridiculous posts, overly aggressive admins and one gigantic rank post.  Most rank posts reach over 20,000 hits after a month or so of it being hit by members.  Not at HOIR! Apparently their large leap this week can be entirely attributed to a handful of admins bumping this post nearly 45, 000 times in 3 days.   Page after page of admins posting spam, even head admin LucyDiamond spams the post without mercy.  Come on, ladies, you can do better.  Or can you?
 #3 40ish & Beyond
Well, there's not much to see in 40ish & Beyond, especially in that beyond area.  This is an extremely awkward group for me and never did I realize so many middle aged mothers were using Café Mom.  I think of mothers with babies hanging off of their breasts and six to seven year old psycho's when I picture the typical Café Mom user.  Then I fall upon over 16,000 40 year old users in one group.  How do they pass the time you ask? Pillow fight spam posts, of course!
Maida here goes on posting pictures of pillow fights in a challenge of true grit.  667 replies later and I am unsure of who won and not entirely sure I'll be looking for the results.   If you still wear jeans with an extended ass, have large curly bangs or the beginnings of varicose veins, do stop by 40ish.
Honorable Mentions (other top ten groups)
#10  Devil's Icebox
Trill  continues bitching about MeMe's troll, mom2_3blessings apparent "spanking" and bitching about PinkDiamondz being outted as Bandz or PandaBear (Café Fails).  I am sure she is also obsessed with the identity of Café Mom's newest troll, LadyBaisseach.  Her pointless call outs and freak outs about everyone get old quickly and she's even got one of her admin working under LadyB's group.  Hmm? 
But thankfully they merged multiple forums so it is much easier to navigate.


  1. they actually compete over this, lmao

  2. All your comments are so completely true, keep up the good work!

  3. *wonders if I'm a cheerleader or a fat wannabe cheerleader...

  4. And yet, there's still so much better than Mom Confessions.

  5. Smitty is our fatty mascot! We're an equal opportunity board.

  6. Devil Icebox is fading.. That what happens when the GO has a drunk for an admin, another lazy ass admin that doesn't do her job leaving the other admins having to carry her.

    1. We carry her only to have a better view of her ass. We used to carry her face down but it became a fight for who got what breast.

  7. If a sex video of someone who looked very much like me was posted, I would be upset and do everything I could to get it removed. Wouldn’t you? Every group Iron goes into this video is thrown up in her face.
    On the other hand, if it was Iron giving her husband a BJ, who the fuck cares? She is a married woman giving her husband a BJ, not one of these strippers in CM that is paid to fuck a different guy every 30 minutes. Other than you skanks that won’t let it go, no one fucking cares.
    Pink.diamondz comes off as having a major hard on for Iron, making post after post about Iron.

    Cyber harassing is illegal. In some states there is a fine plus 90 days in jail. If I was Iron I would ss these post and take them to her local DA.

  8. Vix is the shit I laugh so hard in there

  9. Hmm. I think I'll start a bump post in Cafe Who tomorrow. Just to make the bitch groups freak out a little.

  10. Tugs gives CM head to get her ratings... she should repost her kkk pic again!

  11. A group of fat girls that wanted to be the head cheerleaders in high school?

    Oh, I thought that was you guys.

    1. Aw, must be a Vix fatty. It's okay, honey, the popular girls like you enough to keep your around for entertainment.
