Monday, January 20, 2014

It's like Where's Waldo....except skankier.
Let's play together.

Is she here?......

...not here. But Sean Connery says for you to read.

There she is! Sitting down...with that bulldog grimace going strong.

Found her again! She looks constipated. Somebody get this chick some prunes. You can send them over on the llama.

Not here....

Found her again!! Still...still sitting down. Hmm.

The End.


  1. A.) Didn't see her. At all.

    B.) That was a stupid video.

    C.) Also a stupid song.

    D.) I may have lost some brain cells but at least I still know my ABC's.

    1. I barely know my ABCs after watching that horseshit lol, but I'm still glad I got to see it after all the drama that surrounded the story.

  2. I feel like i just lost some brain cells.

  3. You can't even see her in the video! UNLESS you stop it. Lmao why was she there? As a filler for the REAL dancers? Lol. That's why she was all butt hurt after being around them, and got super intimidated by them and tried to insult how "fake" they were and how she couldn't keep up. Haha. Now we get to hear how she was a "dancer" in a music video. Umm, nope! They probably cut her and told her she could be a filler.

    1. She was totally butthurt about the whole thing and felt so badly about herself afterwards because she couldn't compete on any level.

  4. She was just an extra. Wasn't she pregnant at the time?

    1. Yes. Supposedly she was pregnant at the time. She rolled into town (they drove from Southern to Northern CA) without a hotel reservation (fucking dumbasses- who does that?) and stayed at some fleabag in God forsaken Oakland with her husband and kids (there were probably bedbugs on the mattress- yuck) where she hardly got any sleep. She looked and felt like shit the next day for the shoot. Sounds so glamorous and upscale, doesn't it? LOL.

  5. The way she was talking was almost like she was the "Star". Right. She was an "extra".

  6. Abysmal, just as I predicted. Why did she even bother to show up? No one would ever even know she was in this, which most people would be thankful for lol, but then again, this is 504 we're talking about here.

  7. It is just so very peculiar that she would show up for a video looking so frumpy and insignificant, especially when she seemingly dresses up in glamour shot-style full makeup, big hair, and hoochie outfit while at home (as in selfies for CM). Weird!

    1. This was exactly what I thought when I first saw what she wore. It WAS weird. She talked herself up big on this and definitely insinuated that she would be one of the dancers as she was personally asked to be one! (Which I think we all doubted in the first place. I'm pretty sure she saw an ad for back up dancers). Her outfit looked like she walked out of the 90's. Weird clog shoes paired with light wash jeans and a baggy bubble shirt. Also, her ass seemed to shrink a ton too so it didn't even look like she had any booty to "yike: anyway. Was she actually planning to wear that to yike? Lol. Now it all makes sense. They saw her and kind of awkwardly passed up on her and then she made that whiny post about not being able to keep up because she though she was going to be chosen as one of the main girls.

  8. Lol. For someone who is supposedly so good at dancing and loves to yike.... she wasn't even dancing! If you watch her IG video where she claims " we were getting it" and the girls were dancing between shoots right at the end she is seen awkwardly moving in an ATTEMPT to dance. It is fucking pathetic

    1. She's a terrible dancer but insists she has won many competitions LOL. She's awkward and that's why they didn't "showcase" her. She is so delusional it is indeed pathetic.

    2. That dance style she had going was ridiculous. I'm pretty sure I watched my mom do that sway type of dance back in the day and I deemed it as the "mom dance." Embarrassing. :/

  9. Lmao. She looks like a lost girl. Pathetic.

  10. That was strange. She doesn't fit into that video at all.

  11. I'm the Real NapsterJanuary 22, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    This is called Overinflated Sense of Self meets Ghetto Reality.

    Don't have it, can't bring it, and unless some oral action is involved, no one wants it.

    I love it when reality delivers a smack down.
