Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Not even going to lie, I didn't even read all of this.


  1. Good i missed the cut.

  2. Trashy as fucking hell. Bragging about her baby daddy murdering someone. I wish someone would shoot her in the face or the uterus.

    1. Not the face. That jaw is so thick, it may as well be made of kevlar. No damage would be done. Well, nothing that would not be an improvement. Shame Micheal Vick didn't get hold of her bully breed looking mug. Just... Woof.

  3. She's trash! Why would you brag about your baby daddy being a murderer (when in fact, he's not even her baby daddy and I know that for a FACT. She's also talking about her "brother", another lie since he's not her brother. Smh

    1. I thought Devin was her oldest's bio dad... ???

    2. He's not. She's obsessed with him. Just look at her kid and look at Devin. Her kids are as white as her. But that's besides the point, I KNOW Devin is not her kid's dad.

  4. Oh wow she is telling people how to be classy while she broadcast about all the men she sleeps around with while married. Not to mention the types she associates with. Birds of a feather flock together. She is no better than those thugs that are and have been in jail/prison. She is trash just like they are.

  5. she must have hit a nerve, or else 504 wouldn't have gotten so defensive.

    she's telling her not to brag about being stabbed, yet a few lines before she was bragging about how hard her life is because her kid's dad killed two guys

    1. Right? Preaching to someone about how it's not cool to brag about having stabbed someone when in the same breath she brags about Devin having killed two people? Yeah...ok. What a piece of garbage she is.

    2. Wait. She took a job as a cocktail waitress in a shady car wash? What the fuck is that all about? I obviously missed something...

  6. The Queen rescinds her invitation to tea!

  7. Pot, meet kettle.
    Oh, hai, kettle!
    Pot, you're such a ghetto slut.
    Shut up, kettle! I'm from the street! We gonna fuck you up!
    Whatever, pot. Keep your flabby pot pussy away from me.

  8. She's such a horrible person to brag about her son's father murdering two people. Not only that, she looks so desperate to try and claim being "hard" through other individuals around her.

  9. Wait...so she works as a waitress now?

    1. No. She's a spokesmodel for a company that details luxury vehicles.

    2. Oh. Low level modeling. Ok. At least it's not porn.

  10. I thought she was "Gucci with the money" why does she need a job? And why is she always such a bitch? I really don't miss seeing her in MC.

  11. So before Devin murdered Bowie she never outright said that he was her childs father but now that he is a cold blooded murder she openly admits he is the father of her child. She is so proud of all the thugs in her life.

    1. Yes she did. She got outed during the anon glitch admitting he is her "baby daddy". She was whining about how sad she is that her son doesn't look like him.

    2. I course her son doesn't look like Devin since he's NOT the father. You guys eat up all her lies.

    3. I disagree, I think he looks a LOT like devin.

    4. No, really, during the glitch she was outed as admitting, under anon, that Devin was her oldest son's father. She was upset because her son doesn't look as much like Devin as his other illegitmate children do. LOL I mean, it makes you wonder how many there are!

  12. I have no words...

  13. so much for feeling bad for bowie

  14. Wait... she is bitching at that girl for bragging over terrible things like that but isnt that exactly what her dumbass is doing? I swear she must have been dropped repeatedly by her meth addict mother.

  15. I wouldn't say she has good genes....her mom looks pretty rough in that mug shot, even with the 10 pounds of makeup she has on.

    1. Jenna, her mom and her aunt wear 15 pounds of make up each, and her aunt, although pretty, is FAT. (gasp!)

  16. Wait is she pregnant by another guy and not by her husband?

    1. She never has been. Her husband is simply a paycheck, a decent role model for HER kids (not his biologically),and a limp dick to her.

  17. She is fucking disgusting. I seriously worry about her kids. She is going to get those kids killed. The trash she hangs out with.... or her kids are going to be in jail before they are 18 for killing someone.
