Tuesday, February 11, 2014

This is a long ass post. You were warned.

TL;DR summary : HOIR was catfish HARD, by one of their admin.


  1. Haha thats fucking awesome

  2. Jesus fuck, they did all that and bothered some woman who's husband just committed suicide because some dipshit faked a pregnancy in their dumbass group? What a bunch of stupid, vicious, mindless douchebags.

    1. And it's still more interesting than anything in Mom Confessions.

    2. I ♡ u.

  3. 'Thanks, that'd be a big help, sorry to load you up with so much drama during such a rough time", says the stupid cunt who's trying to find someone who faked a pregnancy in her stupid Internet forum to the woman who's husband just killed himself. Not sorry, we'll leave you alone, it was a misunderstanding. No, she clearly expects this grieving woman's help in finding out who dared fake a fucking pregnancy in her group. I hope someone from HOIR is reading this. You all are vile, wretched people who have completely lost yourselves to reality. No one does this in the real world, expect people who have something seriously fucked up about them. You've been sucked in to this maelstrom of shit, delusion and psychosis. This will not end well for you.

    1. Ummm. It wasn't about that. This lady stole kids pictures and name and pictures of another lady. Dumb ass. Read the Damn post.

    2. You're cute, but I'm sure when it's YOUR pics the next troll steals, you'll be singing a different tune.

    3. Fuck off, Mouthy, you dumb brainless bitch. You're such an apathetic twat you have no idea how out of line you were in bothering that girl, or still expecting her help after you found out her husband killed himself. Vicious little goat faced cunt.

    4. Anon at 2:24: I know that's not the point of the post; that doesn't negate Mouthy's psychotic douchebaggery.

    5. so she shouldn't be told her pics are being stolen? maybe it would be nicer to NOT tell her and wait until she's got a dead husband AND her whole life has been scammed.

    6. Maimie, I realize that you think you quoted me exactly, but this is where reading comprehension would normally come into play.
      What I said was "Thanks. That's a big help too." (as in, thanks for giving the name of someone else I can contact) And I did not contact her again after she told me about her husband. I may be a creep but I'm not a fucking monster.

      Don't be retarded and read that shit right before you start tying to act all bad ass on the internet, darlin.

    7. Hell yeah Mamie, you preach it - vicious little goat faced cunt, LMFAO!! Love it!

  4. Why are you talking to a girl on Facebook like that Mouthy? You're such a fucking creep.

    Just stop, you look like the crazy person right now. Someone pretended to be someone else on a group in a mom forum, your asses got clowned and you should just leave it at that.

  5. I think its time to drop this, she was a stupid ass fake bitch and the poor girl who's pictures she stole shouldnt have to deal with this right now

    1. The chick whose husband killed herself didn't have her pictures stolen, it was an additional person. But still valid.

  6. Hahahahahhabababaababab

  7. well that's not creepy at all...

  8. how is this creepy??? this isn't creepy.... you people are fucking idiots.

    1. You're entirely right, Portia. It's not creepy to harass recently widowed women because some twat in your dumbass group faked a pregnancy. It's also not creepy that you're tracking her down in the real world over something so trivial. It's also not creepy how you have yet to realize that you have thoroughly lost your fucking mind.

  9. Good grief so many of these women are nuts. You were duped. Get over it. And why the fuck dupe with this shit? None of it even sounds remotely normal. I think a lot of these women need help.

    1. Right, they aren't going to "get to the bottom of it". IT DOESNT MATTER, who fucking cares that someone pretended on a mom forum.

  10. If only some of those bitches put that amount of effort in their real lives that they put into detective work on an internet bs group, they wouldn't be on welfare with shitty husbands and always complaining of being broke. At least get paid for the bs you do. A bunch of losers in that group.

  11. Why are people even in this group?
    The admins of this place have way too big of heads and think they are perfect. They are on cm all day everyday and act like their shit doesn't stink.

    So sick of them. It's all a clique thing, if an admin or close to an admin has something terrible happen they feel so sorry for them and support them, if not they attack them because those people aren't a part of their "cool club". Fucking dumbass cunts

  12. What makes me laugh the most is that she said the woman who tricked them, the one they thought was a good friend, was a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD little girl!! it really shows their mentality level if they think they are all best friends with a child! LOL!!!!

  13. R O F L M F A O
    This is hilarious! Grown ass women going Nancy Drew to find out who "Cat-fished" them! Ya'all is stupid! But go ahead which yo bad selves this is some good entertainment!
