Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hey now!
MC is all a buzz that the creeperish blog
CafemomWhosWho is back up and running.
Is it or isn't it? Seems to be a slight difference of opinion!
Bishes be at that shit again!

What makes you so dern spaychal?

Well, the kids are back to school right?
Annnnd, cue the, "don't know what the fuck I'm talkin' 'bout" call out.
hmmmmmmm, hmmmmmm. yep.
Come on now! This is CM! Ain't no proof needed! We work on the honor system!
AWWWWW SNAP! There's 'bout to be some fall out from the call out, guuuuurrrrrls!
  It's not Teal Ladies! Get it out of your mommy minds!
(insert Twilight Zone theme here)
We gots ourselves a real life mystery here!
Ummmmm, no. Not even close. But the Throne Bishes are super duper cool, though!
The Proof is in the Puddin'.....

Someone didn't get invited to the partayyyy! Must not be one of the 'cool' kids!

Yeah, not invited either.... Wah Wah.

Where's my invite!? Seriously?! Ain't there no love for Persnicks?


  1. That still down. Someone took legal actions against them. That op is smoking some good shit.

    1. So my screen shots with the date and other people's SS were just, what? Fake?

  2. Yay...? I made the blog.


  3. Hey!!! Congrats! You've been Blog-flowered!!!

  4. It's obviously back up, I can't see it though. And no way is Teal behind it.

  5. Yeah, teal isn't behind this shit. I'm still convinced it's the deliverance twins.

    1. I never believed Teal was on this. She's much to smart!
      Hmmmmmm, hmmmm.
      (Gawd that movie creeps me the fuck out!)

    2. This is teal here. It is surely not me. The post is still up and there is more of an explanation to what went on.
      If anyone wants to know. Feel free to ask me.

    3. Anyhow, I have nothing to do with this blog. It doesn't upset me though because I know the truth and I know the truth will come out eventually. Those who know me know better and that's all that really matters.
      This is teal btw.

    4. The whos who blog is not back up and running. It has been deleted and will stay deleted. If there is another one up then its a copycat blog and not the original one.

  6. The rhope woman is nuts. I had to block her on facebook. I ended up deleting my facebook because of her. How she got my info to even find my facebook is beyond me.

    1. Sissy is crazy also. She makes you give her your phone number if you want to join her group. Then she drunk calls you at all hours.

    2. So I have heard from more than one person.

  7. Rhope is one fucked up person. If you read her journals posted at cm she had her kids taken away once due to how filthy her house is.

  8. Here is a link to the journal. It is a long one.

    1. it's really freaky that you have her journal saved considering CM doesnt have journals anymore

    2. Cm does do still have journals. LOL she still had hers public until a few days ago. I don't have them saved. LOL

    3. Ummm the link goes directly to the journal. So um yea the journals do exist. Go to your cm account homepage, hover over "Your other stuff", and there is the journals link.

  9. Thank you all who are saying it's not me btw. I really do appreciate that=)

  10. I made the blog too! I'm spayshal!

  11. Well shit if it is up and running again I hope they post a decent pic like they supposedly did last time, lol And could someone please send me smoke signals, a PM ,,,anything this time so i can see it...thanks, lol
