Monday, March 10, 2014

I've gotten 2 emails checking up on me ( <3 lol ) and a couple comments here on the blog.
I. Am. Drowning. In. Work.
Gah. My busy season is usually Nov-Feb but it's still going strong. I have been forwarding any emails with screen shots to the helpful admins though, so if you're a regular submitter, please keep it coming.
I haven't even really been checking CM either, so I am very out of the loop.

I know the blog has been a little 504 saturated lately, I mean, I can smell it from here, but drama seems happens in waves. HOIR gets a turn, MC trolls get their turn, 504 hogs 2 turns etc etc lol

Hopefully things will calm down here soon and I will be able to bring you more trolly goodness.


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