Friday, March 14, 2014

Every time I see a comment that says "I sent stuff in but it didn't get posted", I literally roll my eyes. It is an automatic response, I can't seem to help it.
Even worse it "How come ALL you post is ...."

Well minions, let me show you.

Conveniently the first page shows 1 week of submissions.

I'm not counting Eileen troll (even though it was a post in HOIR) or flower cow (even though THAT was a post in HOIR too)
so a hard 9 and a soft 11

504: 4
Doe: 1
MC crazy: 2
Blog stuff in MC: 1
Misc: 2

So out of 20 emails, how many are HOIR and 504 related?
I won't make you do the math. Just know it's a lot.

You want more MC stuff? Then go make a brilliant troll post and get back to me.
Where is Kitschy when you need her.

I did over look the war looney though. My bad.

I'm still waiting for someone to send my Stephy's 47 day fiance.


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