Tuesday, September 17, 2013


  1. Hmm, wonder how long this will last. Bitch will still be on under anon lol

  2. I wish she would just go away.

  3. She'll never completely go away unfortunately o.O

  4. She wont go away. She might come back with a different sn. She is a liar anyway so how would "setting the record straight" really work? You cant believe a damn thing she says!

  5. Fuck. She retired to HOIR.

    Someone else take her.

  6. she'll still be in vixens...

    1. She's been evicted from Vixsins.

  7. I so do NOT understand why MC won't permanently boot her. She's just a pathetic human being. I've asked her directly why she keeps coming back and arguing with people. I never get an answer of course. She did try to hijack one of my posts, she seemed jealous that every one was being nice to me.

  8. Why does Jenna get away with saying the shit she does? She hijacks posts all the time, she bashes people. I agree why bother "banning" if its not permanent? I remember she jumped into a post I made about battling PTSD from being raped & nearly killed while battling cancer. She got her panties in a twist, demanding why I deserved people being nice to me....0.o

  9. Is this like when snoop dog stopped smoking pot? Or Amanda Bynes retired from acting? I do like watching this train wreck.

  10. She'll never leave!

  11. So her lawyer contacted her and warned her she's about to have to pay back that pay out due to violating the gag order.

  12. I saw some interesting back and forth between her & someone else on Austin's Instagram. it's on that pic of him she posted in hoir where he's laying on his back shirtless.

  13. Oh please. I don't believe for one second she'll be gone forever. Maybe a week at most.

    1. 3 days. She posted yesterday without using anon. I'm assuming on accident.

  14. I got a "you have been bad" email from the admins because of Jenna's button humping whores in that post. I wrote back telling them that they needed to ban Jenna permanently and Steph answered back that they had no intention on banning Jenna......

    1. Well of course not! She brings traffic to the site so they would never get rid of her! Her dramatic "I am leaving!" post is a bunch of bull. She'll never leave. This is just another one of her ploys for attention.

  15. She's retire all right... *rolls eyes* she's still a mc member. She's lurking under anon now.

  16. I have noticed that she is going anon for her recent replies in MC...I am thinking maybe so they don't end up here or sent anymore she doesn't want them. She could easily say that wasn't me, that it was someone pretending to be her.

  17. She didn't leave. (Surprise....) She's in a post right now screaming her usual "You're all obsessed with me!" shit. I've never seen someone so stuck on themselves in my life.

  18. Were comments deleted from this post?! It was 25..I thought anyway. I may just be crazy.

  19. She is still there. She put up a post about famous people following her on instagram. We called her out and she never denied it.

  20. She hasn't gone anywhere. She's still there, making posts under anon but outs herself immediately.
