Tuesday, September 17, 2013


  1. I'm thinking its a troll. A bad one, but a troll none the less. She hasn't responded to any comments yet....unless she's just mortified and creating a new SN.

  2. Yep, I am completely mortified by this. I meant for it to be a cute "boys will be boys" type story but it just came off all wrong. Yes I meant for the title to catch attention, otherwise it doesn't get looked at...another mistake on my part. For the record, I do bathe my child everyday because it is so hot here and the water helps keep him cool.

    1. Not cute, not boys will be boys. Creepy. Just nasty.

  3. A troll? Doubtful! Like we all haven't kissed our kids after their fingers have been up their noses or bums at some point. Or those first innocent few times they ask you to smell their finger, and you do it without thinking. Everyone has BTDT in a similar way, I'm sure!

    1. I'm usually suspect to my kids when they ask me to smell their fingers. I've never mistaken a penis for a finger. Ever.

    2. Um. She didn't actually kiss his penis. It was his hand that had touched his penis. *eyeroll*

  4. Disturbing on so many levels!

  5. I have a little girl, but does little boy junk smell that little? I would think he hadn't been bathed in days for it to stink that bad. I threw up in my mouth, that was just foul.
