Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I read on CafeFails that The Throne is shutting down. No one told ME, lmao

I know nothing has been posted lately but that's because my busy season at work has started up and I barely have time to clean my house, let alone log into CM and the blog.

However, the blog is NOT closing/stopping. I would love to get another helper here so that we can at least get a few posts a week going while I'm dealing with other things.

Also, I have not been contacted by anyone with a cease and desist, no one's attorney has emailed/called and I have had no hand slaps from Blogger or Google about anything. I've just been busy as hell.


  1. No lawyer will look at this. She can't prove its her

  2. But you haven't posted since you forgot to hit Anonymous in 504's post and your s/n was revealed

    1. Except that :
      1. I dont have an anon button
      2. I don't reply to her posts
      3. If my screen name had been revealed I'm pretty sure at least one of the other blogs would have posted about it.

  3. She'd waste more money hiring a lawyer (Who'd end up telling her "You're fucked but thanks for sucking my dick!") and wouldn't be able to overpay for shirts you can buy for $20 at an airbrush t-shirt mall kiosk.

  4. I'd love to help out...how do I apply?

  5. I'm in princess consuela. Lemme know how and when to apply.

  6. lol..I love your s/n PrincessFluffyButt. just had to tell you.

    1. Thank you. :) I am princess fluffybutt you can find me in CM MC lol

  7. Did you get the Austin meme?
