Wednesday, January 29, 2014


  1. That is so sad. That guy is settling for nasty snatch just because he has no self esteem and has been shit on his entire life. He deserves so much better than her. I hope he meets a woman that gives him what he needs. That'd be perfect karma for the whore he's married to. She is just using him, and fully admits it. Poor guy!

  2. no wonder he's use to being a doormat

  3. So I totally stole this. Don't worry, I am giving you guys all the credit.

  4. Bahahahaha. Mike Badger. I can't even.

  5. That meme on the bottom is creepy!!

  6. Is it just my phone or is it super blurry?

  7. Ha! Someone actually put his head on honey badger. Lmfao

  8. She basically forced him into a threesome? Fucking gross. "I made that happen." Ew.

  9. That meme. Lmfao.

  10. I often wonder if her parents don't pay him to stay with her.

  11. Hes a desperate mofo. Its like he's got battered womens syndrome.

  12. So she continues to give him a shitty home life. Explains why he sticks with her. It's all he knows. Poor guy he doesn't know there's a better life out there!!

  13. Wow! That girl is really messed up and clearly needs some major therapy. She also needs someone who will truly love her and all her craziness, and let her know she's good enough regardless of it. Someone who will call her on all her lies and cruel actions. Someone who won't take her up on all her crazy offers of sexual escapades involving others and even multiple partners .

    She needs to find some self worth and dignity and stop offering up other women to these guys she's with, to try and make up for what she's lacking.

    Sometimes I feel sorry for her, and then I start remembering how cruel she can really be, (witnessed it first hand being aimed at others a few different times) and I want to sock myself in the face.

    SMH at feeling sympathy for her even for a brief minute.......... yeah, it's definitely time for some more wine!

  14. Yea, I'm calling bullshit. I wonder how he feels about his life being plastered all over the internet? Poor sap.

  15. Oh good grief. She never lies? don't know where one ends and one begins. There "might" be some truth to it, but who give a shit anymore to figure it all out?
    As my son would say, "she is sooo yesterday!"

  16. She claims she is his first and only....yet has admitted Caramel was with him first. And there were pics posted of Mike all lovey with his arms wrapped around Caramel.....

  17. Oh 504 is at it real surprise, what is surprising though is she hasn't returned to confessions..*waits patiently twiddling fingers*

    1. I'm surprised about that too.She's never been gone this long before.

  18. I still have my theory that he's actually gay and she's his cover.
    I just cannot fathom a straight man being OK with being so disrespected by his wife

    1. Me either. No self respecting heterosexual man would allow this. It's fucking humiliating.

    2. And that implies 2 things.
      1. U think a self-respecting homosexual WOULD allow this shit??
      2. her little boy toy is self-respecting in the least.

      pull your heads out of your asses please ladies. the gay world has just as much pride and self-respect as the straights. There is nothing less in a gay person than a straight one!

  19. So she forced him into a 3 some.....wouldn't that technicaly be rape?

  20. Forced into a 3some? My lord, she's giving a VERY bad name to bisexual women, especially those with husbands that have no problem with it

  21. You are a bunch of idiots trying to make it sound like she forced him into a 3some. Give me a fucking break. You bitches need lives and therapy ASAP!

    1. and yet here you are reading this pathetic blog. Why don't you get off your high horse and do something productive?

  22. Oh this is about mike?? I totally skimmed it and thought it was about that murdering loser.

  23. I'm not sure that I understand. If she was with his brother at 12 and then with this guy when did she have time for Glittery??

  24. I can't stop laughing at that meme, which is terrible because I've always felt sorry for Mike, but it's too funny.

  25. Too long. Bitch is a fucking whack job. Love the work you lovely bitches are doing! <3

  26. wait... so she and her ex gf had a commitment ceremony during her wedding to her dh?? how the hell does that even work?

    1. Trashy people can make anything work

  27. Jenna the whore. That's all she is and that's all she ever will be.
