Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Was bat shit crazy a category for the yearbook? lol


  1. This blog is going to be pulled into question on the murder investigation as well. You may get subpoenaed PC. You might want to shut down for a while. Js

    1. you know there are meds that might help you now. You don't have to be this damn crazy anymore psychology has come a long way.

    2. Are you insane? I'm not the op of that post. I'm just passing along information. There is a very serious, ongoing murder case and this blog has details that could be key to that case and you don't think it can be used? Welcome to the real world, honey. It ain't all puppy dogs and kittens.

    3. What kind of important information can be found on this blog that can't be found through eye witness accounts? It's not like none of the witnesses are talking.

      People are just mad about the blogs and are trying to scare the owners into taking them down.

    4. Please let all the crazy out, we don't mind and you will feel much better after the fact!

    5. If the writer of the blog was able to find that information on line about glittery, do you honestly believe the police are not able to do it too? Are the bloggers some sort of magical internet fairies?

    6. Crazy pills get some.

    7. It's because this blog has a lot of info on glittery complied from years that would suggest his violent tendencies. All those old posts have been deleted and this is the only remaining record of them.

    8. Sweet Jesus! Sage needs to be passing out her BSC awards to a bunch of people. CM seems to be full of them. PC you should see her new award meme.

  2. She never did tell me how posting her picture which linked to her info was blackmail and libel.

  3. ANON asked~ How are they blackmailing you though? What do the bloggers want in return? And what are they saying about you that isn't true.~

    LMAO ~ She never could answer those questions. :O)~

    1. that was me! She conveniently skipped right over me lol

  4. Lmao omg im dying. Im. Dead.

  5. Any info on this blog is info out out there by the people themselves. Hardly a situation that would make a valid lawsuit!
    Why are people getting so angry? All of these screen shot show EXACTLY what you post online. Don't want to end up on the blog? Don't post it on the internet. Problem solved!

  6. Sweet baby jeebus! This crap is getting out if hand! We need to start handing out tin fucking hats to these people!
    And really! The throne should shut down because of a murder investigation? Come on! The info on here is not any different than what was found on the Jefferson Parish site, FB, or the digit skank.
    Y'all need to take a Xanax and direct your conspiracy theories somewhere else.

  7. Why is she posting her info on social media sites if she is "in danger". That's like going to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory while on a diet!

  8. if someone was in that much danger from an ex, or anyone really, why would they have ANY searchable contact info online????? I really wish it was possible to sue stupid people simply for not using the great grey paperweight between their ears...

  9. I call BS! If someone is really in that much danger of being stalked by a crazy ex, they wouldn't post ANYTHING on the internet. They would stay as far away from any type of social media as possible.

  10. If I were her attorney, I would be asking her two questions:

    1. Why did you put so much information out there.

    2. If the information is on some blog, did you ask for that information to be removed.

    People be crazy.

  11. So I can sue princess for reposting a pic of my tits that I posted on cm? News to me

  12. With five bloggers, you guys should able to update more often. Just saying.

    1. How many more posts do you want?

    2. LMAO They don't realize most of the crazy shit goes down at night when rational, normal people sleep. That they could help out by sending in screens shots too, but wait........ I bet they are asleep also. (smirks)

  13. This blog is for entertainment purposes only.
    This blog does not operate with the intent to bother, terrify, intimidate, humiliate, threaten, harass or stalk.
    No real full names, or links to private information such as Facebook profiles will by posted by the blog owners or operators. However anything that is public domain or record will be displayed.

    LMAO Great Update ... Love It.

    1. For some reason i read this in that guy's voice that always does the warnings at the end of medical commercials. you know. the one that says it will cause vomiting, diarrhea and sudden death. LOL!

  14. People get mad because they are embarrassed. Taking pictures or having pictures sent in of things you post and reposting online isn't a crime or bullying. I was called a cunt for not editing out names and locations on a submission I did earlier. Why the time fuck would I? Her name is public, her location is public, and what I posted was asking for donations. I may be a cunt but I'm not a dumb cry baby cunt.

    Keep up the good work my fellow cunts! <3
