Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It appears as though in another rush to get attention back, Trilliandent & the Devil's Icebox have admined non other than...
I highly doubt this will be interesting in any way, shape or form.  Unless everyone is interested in hearing about the modeling and the cheating and the rap videos and the other men. 
I can't wait to see some instagram pix of 504 and her new red buttons! 


  1. Lol. You say you 'highly doubt' this will be interesting, but then go on to gush that you 'can't wait to see some Instagram pix!'
    Obsessed much?

  2. Come on. Give it a rest.

  3. What's her instagram?

    1. Lame. You want a hair sample and the results if her last Pap smear as well?

    2. Instagram is public knowledge. It's out on the internet. It is in no way comparable to a hair sample or pap smear results, lmao.

      Don't have a public profile or put things on the internet you don't want others to see. Simple as that.

    3. What you say is true and I agree people shouldnt leave these nuggets of information everywhere they go. It really does make them look like idiots.
      But when you have those who obsessively gather the nuggets of idiots to pile in their baskets and gloat over....well that just makes you the bigger dumbass, doesn't it?

    4. Ask her. She will tell you what her instagram is. She wants people to look at it. My guess is she doesn't have that many followers and would love to be "famous" and have thousands and thousands of followers. Good luck to her on that. LOL. #notacelebrity #thinkssheishotterthansheis #attentionwhore #shesawannabe

    5. Nah, that's ok. I don't need to know her instagram...or what groups she's in, or what she posted, or the last time she farted or changed her tampon. Thanks tho. #fuckinglame #someonesobsessed #gocleanyourhouseandpayattentiontoyourkids

    6. Well, that reply clearly wasn't intended for you. It was intended for the original anon poster. I agree with your sentiments- however, unfortunately, there are a lot people on CM who are concerned about what she does and where she goes because they like to make fun of her and catch in her in a web of lies. #nonesobsessed #lightenthefuckup #stopbeingabitch #somepeopleneedtogetoverthemselves #hashtagssuck #hashtagsarelame #instragramsucks #instagramislame #everyonethinkstheyarefamousbuttheyarenot

    7. I think the whole thing is hilarious. 504 says shes famous. Everyone that hates her says shes lying, and then they go and dedicate literally thousands of posts and blogs to her activities. If you google her SN, tons and tons of pages pop up with things youve written about her. She may not be famous or whatever, but she IS the most well known member in all of CM and you guys gave her that status. She wants attention and you all happily oblige. She plays you all like a bunch of dumbasses.

    8. Oh, she doesn't play any of us. We all have her number. She is a desperate, pathetic excuse for a human being and probably the biggest wannabe I have ever seen. The "most famous member of CM." Really? Who in their right mind would ever want that? She's bat shit crazy on top of being a liar and cheater and an all around horrible person.

    9. @Jan 17 at 11:06 AM...Yes, we all realize 504 is "famous," however; the general e-public thinks of her fame more along the lines of a Courtney Stodden, Trish Paytas, Amy Winehouse and Lindsay Lohan post drugs kind of fame. We realize she's deluded and thinks she's the Angerlina Jolie of the Internet, therefore no one is being "played" and no one gives a shit...

      So tell me about how you discovered this blog and conveniently found yourself on a 504 post. Lmao...Girl, you are drinking the Koolaid too.

    10. Im not totally sure what your line of questioning has to do with anything, but I've been a cm member for about 6 years. I found this blog when someone mentioned it in a thread. I visit it frequently because i like Persnickety and Conseula. I joined MC back in the days when 504 would post something about having a hangnail and it would blow up with hundreds of replies in a matter of minutes. I thought she was an idiot and I thought the women who obsessed over her every word and action were bigger idiots. It seemed stupid to me then and it still does now.
      For people who aren't obsessed, arent being played and don't give a shit, there's ALOT of time, posts and blogs dedicated to the subject of 504. It's of little consequence to me personally, I just find the amount of denial and contradiction rather amusing.

    11. There's only a lot of time spent on the subject because people argue about why she has become so infamous. I should note that you are contributing to the very thing you are speaking out against. No one is obsessed over every word- it's her lies no one can handle. Most of us find her incredibly amusing, if not sad. She is self destructive, which is sad, but most of all she's arrogant, mean, selfish, and looks made up like a Hollywood and Vine $10 hooker most of the time but tries to pretend she is some heiress or a member of a royal family. smh What a joke.

    12. Thats my point, shes a sad, broken down little twat, but people still go ape shit over her every movement. I dont understand why anybody cares enough to go as far as tracking her outside of CM. You guys play right into her ploy for attention (even negative attention) I'm not contributing to her popularity. I have never blogged, posted or replied to anything shes ever written. I haven't tried to track her FB, Instagram, youtube or her street address. If I somehow contributed by mentioning her name, it was only to address the women who engage in the things I just mentioned. As sad as she is, I find the lot of you even sadder. I guess I have more interesting things going on in my life because I just don't get it.

    13. Well, not all of us look her up on other social media sites or try to find her home address. I mean, that's ridiculous. I am pretty sure you and I are trying to say the same thing about her. The reason people go ape shit is that they know she could implode at time and meltdown before our very eyes. It's kind of sick that we (in general) would get off on that sort of thing, but it is what is. *shrugs*

    14. Why do you care so damn much? lol really! Who cares?! It's all entertainment for most. She creates shit and drama therefore it's like a bad tabloid magazine. People are just in to the sleazy drama, and she happens to be the one who works extra hard to fuck up. Relax!

    15. Anon @ 1:04am....
      I don't care at all, it just bothers me when I don't understand things. I understand her behaviour. I didnt understand yours and it vexed me. But I think you've explained it well- it's sleazy drama, nothing more than tabloid entertainment. I get it now, you're 'those' women who enjoy drama and sleaze and tabloid show. Typically people who turn to those things for entertainment are simple people who are unhappy in their own lives in some way and find some comfort in the fact that there's worse people out there than them. My mistake and were my confusion came in was giving most (not all) of you credit for being something other than lowbrow simpletons who point and laugh like slobbering idiots at something that has no real interest or worth. Thank you for helping me wrap my head around it.
      Anyway, have fun slobbering and pointing. I'm spending the rest of my day drinking Bloody Marys and playing on my new yolo. See ya.

    16. Anon @ 1:46pm...
      I'm one of the other anons in this conversation and I totally agree with you. Hope you had a nice day and enjoyed your Bloody Marys!

    17. 504 is the Kim Kardashian of CM. Nobody knows why she's (in)famous, but now that she is, the community can't stop obsessing over her. She is one big ball of crazy, molten fail, and we're all just waiting for her to shrivel up and become buried by the next crazy molten failure. Until then, it's kind of entertaining to watch the way the molten fail slides down, down, down, into obscurity.

  4. Omg. Good thing I never joined that group.

    1. I am in that group...nothing like CM. Not that much drama.

    2. Most bitch groups are more laid back than confessions. The blog only highlights the dumb shit. 99.9% of what they talk about is basic shit- look at my kids, ugh I hate work, current news.

    3. Ummm i am in a few bitch groups. But this one i am avoiding.

  5. Obviously interesting enough for YOU to make a blog post. SMH.

  6. And this, ladies, will show the steep and glorious divide between those of us who are on CM for fun, and those who are on because they absolutely have no life, friends or interaction outside of the computer screen in front of them.
    It's sad, really. I imagine all of you to look like Gollum, cold slimey fingers skittering across qwerty boards, lamp like eyes lighting up at the mention of 504's name.... 'Yessssss my preciousssss....yesssss....."

    1. You are now my favorite Anon in all of Anon-ville. I shall make us friendship keychains.
      ...where's that damn rainbow loom...

    2. Fuck that rainbow loom.

      I think it's hilarious how anons are saying that you have no life, it's sad, yadda yadda. And yet here they are reading the blog. You posted a SS? You obviously have no life PC! It takes a whole 5 seconds to take a SS, you should spend that 5 seconds with your kids!!!

    3. but I had to pee! I multitasked! They were napping! All 9 were with their fathers! I had to sell $120 of EBT to pay this internet bill, I'm damn sure gonna get my moneys worth! Bitches need to stop judging me! They're just jealous! *insert some sort of haters gonna hate meme here*


    4. I wasn't saying Conseula doesn't have a life. That girl has life, laundry, roots and all kinds of shit going down! My comments were specifically directed at the ones who just soaked their panties because they found out 504 just joined some dumbass group.

      What's it got in it's pocketses, Toxic......Whats it got in its nasty little pocketses?!

    5. I think people grossly over-estimate how much time it takes to read/make posts.

  7. It was made admin for shits and giggles...................

    we all know the attention it will bring DI

  8. Replies
    1. I was starting to think you didn't love me anymore.

    2. *shifty eyes, and pounces on winky* SURPRISE BUTTSEX!

  9. Well, this ought to be interesting and funny for drama's sake.

  10. She's a wreck but she did provide good entertainment. I know my shit didn't stink as much with her around! LOL

  11. So, now she's frequenting bitch groups to get attention? Lmao! Btw, I think it's funny that she is posting pictures of Austin Rivers all on her Instagram, complimenting him, praising him, wearing shit he endorses and yet she claimed he "went too far" aka raped her and got her pregnant with 50fetus#3. SMH.

    1. LMAO.... I just about died at 50fetus.

  12. LOL- it's HILARIOUS, and the whole "I know I am not supposed to be contacting you so don't get mad at me but I just wanted to tell you how well you are doing and how proud I am" blah, blah, blah. Yeah, sure he "raped" her. (wink, wink) What a pathetic, stalker, *wannabe famous* psycho! He probably rues the day he ever met that piece of trash. These professional athletes are a magnet for loons. They really need to be more careful. Too bad most of them are too stupid to know to stay away from the crazies.
