Friday, January 17, 2014

finally broke the bitch that has tormented others for a while. She always said she'd never be run off. Time has told that that was a lie!


  1. Do you blame her? After everything she wrote and how she was exposed here? Why would she stay?

  2. I reported Gina to the Department if Criminal Justice for cyberbullying ten days ago and included screen shots of some of the more vicious things shes said. I'd show you the emails I've been sending to the co-director but I don't know how to block out my name or email and I'm not telling you who I am.

    I've reported seven people so far. All of them are currently being investigated.

    1. momsince06, that you girl? you still work for the fbi finding all them cyberbullies on cafemom?

    2. I'm sure nothing will come of it. Cyberbullying isn't even a recognized law in all states.

    3. Hahaha this is the best

    4. I wasn't reported to shit :) I changed my screen name and canceled my account myself you stupid ass ... Shove your cyber bullying up your ass cunt:)

    5. Still as classy as ever, Gina.

    6. All the millions of people on the internet and you think ONE person making reports about ONE group that the Department of Criminal Justice is going to listen to one lonely housewife.. You're a fucking mental case. Step away from the computer NOW..Get a life dumbness....

    7. Seriously?! Lmao! You need to get a life and a backbone to stand up for yourself!

    8. Reporting to the FBI? are you fucking serious? when these morons join a group where the rules state that there is cyber fights and callouts there is NOTHING that can be done since MORONS read the rules yet still join! You are a lying sack of shit!

    9. OMG cyber bullying is for kids, not adults who you would think know better to walk away than to sit at a computer screen and cry someones font hurt my feelings. That is the most obsurd shit i've heard since meme said it.

    10. Oh I don't know? I am sure I have said more absurd stuff then that since then. lol But hey I am good with it. Why? Because I learned a lot with the Circle of Moms CYBER bullying incident. I found it very helpful. And what I learned with Jessie. . . well she is full of shit. lololololol
      Oh and I almost forgot. Guess WHO??? lol

    11. Yeah sure you did. Your so clever to send screen shot yet so dumb to not know how to use paint shop. Suuuuuure.

  3. Totally fake shit for ratings.

  4. She'll be back. They always come back.

  5. She deleted that account just to log into a different one. She's lurking.

  6. Her new sn is satanlovesyou.

  7. Her new sn should be Stankasscrazybitch.

  8. Glad I'm not the only one bored on CM.

  9. GINA will have to DIE before leaving CM

  10. The best part about all of this is: Gina made the Throne gossip whores look like idiots. Let’s see if you have the balls to print this.

    1. Why wouldn't I approve it? I also have no balls. Vagina here.
      I don't see how it made anyone look stupid either? She deleted the account. That's what the picture shows. It's not that big a deal.

    2. Not to mention, some of us aren't in the group the 'fight' happened in.

    3. "Group's" you mean. I counted at least 5 different goups this was posted in..
      In your words, "finally broke the bitch that has tormented others for a while. She always said she'd never be run off. Time has told that that was a lie!"I

    4. The 'fight' was in Misfits, which I wasn't and still am not in, the SS of her no longer being a member was everywhere. And you're quote's wrong. If you're gonna quote someone, quote them right.

  11. Actually, the original anon (I am different one) sort of has a point. You made a big deal about how she said she'd never be run off and since she created another sn already, she really hasn't been run off, now has she? She kind of made an ass out of you. Just a little. Just a teensy weensy bit. It's ok to admit it. It happens to best of us from time to time.

  12. How can a quote be wrong when it is copied and pasted?.. All you have to do is scroll back up to see it is word for word.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Isn't that the exact quote? Sorry, PC. You look like a fool. Gina's clearly not going anywhere.

  13. I hope she dies and her kids are given to someone who will at least give them a chance at a half-way decent life.

    1. My kids are already dead they are laying frozen in the snow right now until I can dispose of them :) fuckers mouthed off .

  14. She tormented the shit out of me when I first joined cm. Her, black widow, and her friends ganged up on me. I've been back server all times but no one knows my original SN from cafemom.
