Monday, January 20, 2014

In response to the last post, I would love to see some opinions down in the comments.
What is TOO FAR?
The previously posted child bashing/pedophilia comment was reported, but the response the person received was pretty much "tough shit".
When should site admins step in? Should they ever?


  1. So, essentially CM approves of pedophilia slander. What an awesome addition to a mothering site.

  2. To be honest, I feel like that's the kind of thing people have to expect when they joing a bitch group. Everyone knows that stuff like that is meant to get a reaction and nothing else. There's a way any offended person can prevent seeing it and it works 100% every time. I'm sure we all know what that is.

  3. Some of those chicks are beyond crazy! Like, certifiable! I can't believe that the admins allow this type of response. As fucking insane as these, ahem, women are, that's just unconscionable.

  4. I don't like child bashing. To me a mom who does it is not a bitch or a cunt just a pussy. Most bitch groups have rules against it. No one likes their kids messed with and when it gets to that point it stops being fun. I think Gina should have been kicked for that bu I understand why cm doesn't.

    1. Yes, very pussy. But..CM will tell people who report now to talk to the group owner about things like that. If the posting is not against group rules, there's not much that someone can do but take it or leave the group.

  5. It's not so much insulting the mother, but saying horrible things like that about a child is just plain wrong. An adult can defend themselves on here, a child can't, and a child has done nothing to deserve that kind of shitty behavior.

  6. Regarding the last comment, it was just a deranged thing to say. The comment wasn't child bashing nearly as.much as it was disgusting. Like I don't even feel comfortable repeating it. Its so wrong to even think it much less say it. Ugh.

  7. I think any sexual comments involving a child or comments wishing death on a child should be off limits.
    It's disgusting and goes beyond shock value.
    That chick should have been kicked out.

    1. I completely agree. I feel nauseated after reading what was written. What kind of a psycho even thinks up something like that?

  8. I think its disgusting and this board owner is just as guilty for spreading it.

  9. Anyone who would say things like that is a sick, disgusting piece of crap. The site admins ought to be ashamed of themselves for allowing that filth.That goes beyond child bashing and just being in a "bitch group".

  10. tugboatswifey is leaving cm someone should post about that

    1. No one ever really leaves. They just come back under a new screen name.

    2. Lol she won't leave. She has practically no life outside of cm.

    3. Some people do leave these sites for good. I left babycenter years ago and never went back.

    4. I don't doubt some people leave for good. She won't. Her life revolves around that little group.

    5. I'm pretty Ms. Tugs was released from BBC against her wishes. I recall hearing of a 'Save the Tugs' campaign over there.
      Can anyone confirm?

    6. lol, Babycenter is much different than Cafemom

  11. I remember when CM would kick people off left and right for the most minimal shit.

    They have become way more relaxed on private groups. Basically, if it is a private group, there is not much you can do. They seem to only intervene in private groups when pictures are stolen offsite and posted with intentions of making fun of a member.

  12. I didn't read the comment. If it were said to me it wouldn't ruin my day. My child isn't allowed on adult sites and will never know. There is not a single person that knows me or my child so words do not hurt me. I'm stronger than that, some of you need to be stronger too. Bitch groups are tame these days. They really need to kick out some of their weaker members or not allow them to post.

  13. I'm not in these disgusting groups for a reason. Several of those "women" have no class and are proud of it. They don't care about anything except tearing down another person so they can feel elevated.

    There is no point to bitch groups other than low class people wanting to fight other low class people and say, "Hey! I'm in a bitch group! Look at me!"

    You can take a person out of high school, but apparently you can't take the high school out of the person.

  14. I didnt read the thread in question so I cannot comment on that.

    Thus said, I think it's fairly evident that CM has NO standards. The site caters to welfare losers and the mentally ill. I find myself spending less and less time there.
