Monday, January 20, 2014


  1. Wow. That was disgusting. You have to be sick to even think of saying that.

    So glad I'm not in any of these groups.

  2. Smitty cant be trusted either she is constant sending pms of private groups to nonmembers. Every group she is in she does that and she says fucked up shit all the time. Not as bad as Gina.. Gina will rot in hell

    1. Only group I did that in was the Infamous group.

    2. Infamous? The group that died 2 years ago?

    3. What infamous group?

  3. Tugs would obviously never say something like that. Why is her name involved?

  4. Gina is a lying discusting cu*t. Why the hell she felt the need to bring tugs into it is beyond me. Gina has no class and I sincerely hope her karma catches up to her.

    1. And that racist idiot tugs has class?

    2. Exactly.
      Shes a racist piece of shit

  5. Smitty, you were in Infamous?

    1. I meant Hard Candy. I got confused because they have "Infamous" in their group name.

  6. I like Gina. She has a great sense of humor and realizes words on a screen mean nothing. People are too sensitive these days. I'd ask Gina to come help me with the blog if I ever needed it. As long as she promised no gay ass fake fights and not to censor herself. Jeebs too.

    1. They mean nothing when they're not directed at you.

    2. Since when is telling people to sexually assault their children a great sense of humor?
      Or telling people to kill themselves hilarious?

      Its not. Its disgusting and wrong. I cant wait til someone actually contacts her family with proof of the terrible things she said like they did with Jennas family.
      I bet you she wouldnt be so fucking hilarious if someone contacted Lawrence or anyone shes related to and told them how despicable she is to people. Get her off her fucking high horse. Hartzog Loop.

    3. ...Seriously? I really hope that this comment was a lame attempt at drawing more readers to the blog. You honestly condone what she says to people? She's not some poor, innocent victim. She isn't saying these things to "defend herself". She purposely attacks people. She stalks them around CM with the sole purpose of harassing them. Then she says horrible, disgusting, vile things like the above to them, just to mess with them. What kind of sick person thinks that those sorts of things are funny? If someone has thoughts like that running through their head, they have absolutely no business raising children. She's obviously unstable, and all it takes is one snap for an unstable person to take fantasy into reality.

  7. Disgusting trash. Words on a screen? Are you that desensitized? Pathetic.

  8. Lol why you scratch tugs name out of there ?:) hmmmmmm
