Friday, February 14, 2014

As an escort.


  1. I wonder how much she is going to charge for sex and her next abortion.

    1. I'm confused. She got paid for an abortion? I missed something.

    2. Yes did you miss the whole Austin thing?

    3. Well I knew she had seen him or whatever but never heard about the abortion thing.

    4. She made 100k on an abortion.

    5. What a nasty skank.

    6. Yep. Nasty skank about sums it up.

    7. 300 a DAY? bitch is cheap.
      Teal whore a charge 300 an HOUR

  2. Good Hostess Cupcakes! She's beyond nasty!

    1. How is this nasty?

    2. Oh 504, selling ones self for money is nasty. Have you no self worth, esteem, or compassion for your husband and children?
      A married woman does not conduct herself like a paid trick. Disgusting, disrespectful and nasty.

    3. She's not selling her body, just her company

    4. Stfu whorehead ^^^

    5. Yeah right, not selling her body! What company? That twit has one thing she trades on- sex, because she has nothing else to offer. How sad for her children and shameful for her parents.

    6. Who taught who? D.O.E or 504. LOL

  3. She just keeps getting worse and worse. Those poor boys.

    1. So sad for them. Their mother is a bonafide whore, selling herself on the Internet. I much therapy will they need as adults?

  4. Replies
    1. Me too! I think anyone would. She's pretty much getting paid to go on vacation.

    2. Not married women. My husband would flip his lid if I tried to sell myself to another man for $300 a day.

    3. No. 99% of the time people who hire escorts expect sex.

    4. But she made it clear that's not what this is

  5. She's a mess! But you guys are hilarious eating up all her lies.

  6. She's soliciting on IG. "DM me with business inquiries" lmao, is this bitch for real?

  7. Why is this bad if there is no sex involved ?

    1. Because she is married. And knowing her sex is always involved.

  8. What kind of creeper pays for his hooker to drag her kids along?

    That's just nasty :/

  9. She doesn't have a rank. I thought she was admin there. Did she get booted?

    1. She's an admin in DI, not Vix. She's been booted from Vixens a couple of times, but they keep letting her back in, no doubt for entertainment's sake.

  10. So what kind of responses did she get?

    1. I would love to see the responses too. Why can't someone in that group send in screen shots of the replies? I refuse to join any bitch groups, but I admit I am curious what the other members had to say about this.

  11. Just when I thought she couldn't become a bigger whore...

  12. I Am The Real NapsterFebruary 15, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    Dang that girl is one fucked up ho......and whatnot.

  13. Just out of curiosity, does anyone ever post the shit she says on CM to her FB profile (or is that still down)? Just makes me wonder if her real life friends and family know what she claims to be doing out here on interwebland?

    1. According to her, her family has been contacted, many times. As has her husband. They don't seem to care.

    2. There are screen shots on here where people contacted her family and even posted pictures on her moms Facebook

    3. Yet no one seems to care! Isn't that crazy that her husband or her mother wouldn't give a sh*t? My husband would leave me, and take our kids, and my mother would be so ashamed and be paying for all the therapy I would need if I was anywhere as messed up as this chick.

    4. I'm surprised no one has contacted Austin's cousin. She claims he "hits" her up, he looks like loser btw. She also claims Austin's little brother contacts her too, he's in HS.

    5. What???!!!! OMFG that's unbelievable. Personally, I think she is a pathological liar, but whatever...

    6. She is a liar! She has pictures on Instagram showing a man's arm making it seen like it some kind of mystery man...but it's not these "ballers" she's aiming . The arm is hairy as fuck, it's obviously her hairy ass husband.

    7. Not his little brother lol. His older brother. She posted some screen shots of their conversations

    8. *conversatons on Instagram in vix

  14. Escort... next step up (er, down?) from a stripper, I guess.

  15. Counting down for her regret sex that turns in to her like fifth guy she wrongly males sound like a rapist to cover her whore tracks.

  16. Is it just me, or does anyone else find it suspicious she has now been pregnant twice and was screwing around with celebrities (I use that term loosely) both times? I'm beginning to wonder if all of this is to get pregnant by a sugar daddy and land a big payday.

    1. Duh,
      What rock do you live under that this is a new revelation?

  17. Anyone see her IG lately? I'm laughing at her #roomservice photo...I've never been to a hotel that served room service food items in styrofoam containers!

    1. Can you post the link to her instagram?

    2. Bahahahaha! I am so glad someone mentioned this. I was thinking the same thing! The particle board headboard, cheap, ugly bed spread and the "room service" served in styrofoam? Not exactly the Ritz. More like #motellife. Where does she get her nerve? How can she post these things and actually be serious? How fucking embarrassing. lmao

    3. Where do you get the nerve? She stayed at the Wynn a couple weeks ago. Want to make fun of that too? You post these things anonymously probably from your trailer park while she's sitting in resorts and getting room service.

    4. Calm your saggy tits, Jenna. Last I knew, nice hotels don't serve room service in styrofoam boxes.

    5. @ anon 2/17, 3:47 AM- Excuse me? Oh, big deal. She stayed at the Wynn. Las Vegas practically gives rooms away much of the time, even in the nicer resorts, and when I go there, I stay at the Four Seasons. I have stayed at some of the nicest hotels in the country- nix that- IN THE WORLD and I've had PLENTY of NICE room service- it is/was never served in Styrofoam.

      As for my supposed trailer park? LOL. More like my $800,000 home with my beautiful back yard and swimming pool. Nice try, but epic fail. Also, I drive a BMX X3, paid for in cash, and I don't have turn tricks to live my lifestyle.

      Furthermore, even if I did live in a trailer, which I do not, is that a reason to make fun of someone? No. It is not. How rude and insulting to those who cannot afford more expensive housing.

      Also, plenty of people have seen photos of my house on CM and know what I have. They have commented on it many times before. Normally, I would not brag, but to be attacked like this? Yes. I am going to fight back.

      That motel room she was in looked like a Days Inn. Sorry. I just call 'em like I see 'em. Nothing wrong with staying in motels, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why anyone would post that on their IG and "brag" about it. Plus, she's in some flea bag motel having sex for money while her husband and kids are God knows where? She's disgusting and, quite frankly, she looks like a crack whore in the photo.

      Oh, and her ridiculous IG photos can be found at 504nolamama. Check it out. It's hilarious! She really thinks she's the cat's meow, and she is SO not.

    6. *BMW, not BMX

      Sorry for the long reply, everyone! Holy moly!

    7. Hit a nerve, did I? You're a dumb bitch. You're trying to bash her for where she is staying but then get so offended when its thrown back at you.

    8. Jenna, you're being transparent again. If you're going to defend yourself, do it as yourself. Nobody believes you actually have friends who would defend your honor. They're more likely to rape you than to stand up for you.

    9. It's true, Jenna. It's very apparent you are the one sticking up for yourself because no one else would do it- for real. No one. You have no friends, and I can see why. You're a terrible person and you're toxic to be around.

    10. @anon 5:46 PM- No, you didn't hit a nerve and nothing was thrown back at me. Not at all. You don't even know who am I so how could you throw anything back at me? Am I the one posting pics of myself in a shady motel room eating crappy desserts out of Styrofoam containers acting like I am hot stuff? LOL. No.

      I'm not the one posting every single detail of my life online for strangers to see. You're pathetic, and if you are 504 like others are surmising, and you probably are because, let's face it, who else would actually defend you at this point, you know you're a filthy skank, and so does everyone else.

    11. Oh, and BTW (same anon as directly above), I hate the way they redecorated the Four Seasons in Las Vegas. It's like getting in a time machine and going back to the ugly 70's. Ugh. Thank goodness I have had my fill of that place and rarely go anymore. Have known the hotel's GM and his wife for years but they recently moved to Singapore, so no real reason to even visit anymore.

  18. If the military finds out about this little job of hers I imagine it could cause some problems for her husband.

    1. Find out about what, her lies? I say this over and over, she makes up all these "encounters" with me. For attention. She pretended to be at the Wynn with a mystery person, when she was actually there with her husband for their anniversary! Those arm pictures of her and "sweetie" is actually her husband. You guys are so gullible, she loves the attention you guys give her with your speculations.

    2. I am not the original anon, but I figured she was with her husband at the Wynn. That was obvious. As for other affairs she may or not be having, if she's making it up just to get attention, she is one sick lady.

    3. ^^^she is sick. You can tell straight out those arms are her husband. On the Wynn pictures she has "baller life" as a hashtag and she even comments that "she does what she wants". She's an idiot, she wishes these kids on her IG would pay her any attention. Remember that video shoot pictures where she looked like shit? She deceives on IG with all that editing she does to her pictures and poses and padded underwear. In reality, she looks a hot mess. All smoke and mirrors.

    4. ^^^ Funny you should mention that because I had the same thoughts! She often uses that stupid ballerlife hashtag, which is just...laughable. I saw the "I do what I want" when asked how long she was staying. Yeah, right, dummy. You have 2 kids. You don't do "what you want" when you have two kids lol. You have to go home sometime, idiot! Kids sure do put a damper on a whore's lifestyle, don't they? lol

      Yes, I have noticed the pictures that make her look curvy when she's not. It's obvious she is wearing shaping undergarments- waist cinchers and padded backsides. In some of the pics, those hideous tribal pants, I think, you can see she is wearing some kind of black spanx type garment underneath, with butt padding. She must think people are really dumb and it's sad because no matter how hard she tries, how many likes does she get- 3, 5, maybe 8?

      In that God awful video and the hotel life photo, in other words- IRL- she appears to be an average looking scrawny chick with ugly chicken legs and no muscle tone.

      Well stated- all smoke and mirrors.

    5. ^^^ It's actually hilarious... I called her out on IG about the picture in which she looks hideously skinny (she's obviously sucking in or wearing a corset), and when I made mention of a picture posted 2 days earlier in which she was twice that size, she took the one down in which she looks bigger. It's pathetic... and also sad, because the one that showed she was bigger was actually with her kid.


    6. ...And she's disabled comments now, lol.


    7. I don't see any pics with 3 likes. I see a bunch with 30. Most of her pics have 20-something likes. Where are you seeing 3 or 5?

    8. She didn't delete that pic or disable the comments . Why are you lying?

    9. Hi Jenna! I am not ladybug so I cannot speak for her, but maybe you disabled your comments for awhile and they are not disabled now? I don't have an IG account so I don't know how that works, but I have seen your IG before our of curiosity and no where are there 30 likes, generally speaking. 3,5, or 8. That's it, but thanks for trying! lol

      Compared to the strippers you idolize on your wcws, you have a pitiful amount of followers. You wish you could could play in the big leagues, but you can't, and you never will.

      And tick, tock, tick, tick, everyday you get older and 25 is not the same as 20 and 30 is not the same as 25 and soon you'll be 40 and look like a hag because of your disgusting lifestyle. Plus, with all the pregnancies and abortions you've had? That takes its toll on a woman's looks, girlfriend.

      Bye, Jenna! Happy hunting for that sugar daddy, and enjoy aborting for money, you pig who can't even keep her house clean. Yeah...we've noticed the background in the photos taken in your house. Beds unmade, mirrors and clothes on the floor. You're a pig. Snort, snort.

    10. Try again, little jealous cunt. Do your stalking a little better. You look retarded. There are no 3-5 likes. Like I said, most are 20something

    11. So I looked again and you are right, Jenna, some of the older ones that have been up for awhile do have 20 or so likes, but so what? That's still not very many. You got me. I guess I am not a very good stalker- thank GOD! Anyway, others on IG get HUNDREDS, even thousands of likes. #justsayin

      As for calling me a jealous c*nt? LOL. That's "Klassy" with a capital "K", Jenna. Really. I'm sure the Queen of England will be sending you an invitation for tea any day now. Lol!

      Jealous? Of what, exactly? Being a whore for hire? Your ugly chicken legs? Your worn out vagina? Your stupid, foolish husband? Being raised "da hood", as you claim? You murderer of a baby daddy? Your "brother" who went to prison for stabbing his pregnant baby mama with a pen a bunch of times and leaving her for dead? Your parents who have arrest records for DUIs? Hahahahaha- are you kidding? Why on earth would I be jealous of that? Nope. Don't think so. Nice try, though.

      I'd rather be the "c word" any day of the week and be ME than be a trashy whore like you.

      Also, using the "r" word except in context of a clinical diagnosis? That is so gauche. I stand by my assessment of you- you're a disgusting pig. and are done. I have slummed it long enough having this discussing with you as it is...

      Bye bye, piggy wiggy! Why don't spend less time on IG and more time cleaning your dirty ass house?

    12. I thought jenna didn't come on here? Lmfao. Caught in yet another lie.

    13. It has to be her. Who else would defend her? Who else would try to prove a point about how many "likes" she gets on Instagram? No one else cares, but the whore herself.

      LOL @ how we all know exactly how to push her buttons now. You can
      call her a bad mother or wife and you won't hear a whisper from her, but as soon as you start mentioning the cheap motels she stays in or that no one likes her shit on IG, she gets her panties in a bunch. What a loon.

  19. Wow she's only being paid $300 a day. Thats sad.

    1. I also think that's a really low amount, but she's been ridden so often and used so much, she's not even worth that much. Stupid is any man who would pay her for stuff that she would happily do for free anyway. What idiots.

  20. She's so predictable that it's boring now.

  21. Dayum this shit blew up. Lol at jenna going anon. Just like when she tried to go anon on cm, we all know who she is. Can't hide that wanna be gangsta thug trash attitude.

    1. She was so transparent, and still is. I ALWAYS knew when it was her going anon in MC. It was so obvious, and it's obvious here too. No- you're right- she cannot hide that wanna be gangsta thug trash attitude!

  22. Jenna is talking in third person. That's hilarious.

  23. Who brags about 20/30 likes on IG? That doesn't even get you on a popular page. LOL
