Saturday, February 15, 2014

Repeat offenders beware!

Satan came along right after she deleted mom2_3blessings. She got slapped for some reason and came out as guess. Someone reported and now she can't get on Cafemom at all.

Up next is, Strontium. Only so many times they'll slap you for posting porn before they'll suspend you.

Word is some in HOIR were suspended too. Got names? Let me know.


  1. I didnt post porn this time. smh.

    1. There is a lovely troll in our group. Hope you get to come back soon.

    2. I know I can fucking see it all... all I can do is "like" posts. Fuck me.

    3. why go Anon Strontium?

    4. go anon? like on here? oh I just figured it out. Ill do this from now on.

  2. I don't think anyone from HOIR was suspended.

  3. They must have really fucked up for CM to bestir themselves. I figure some crazy kidnap/murder/sex scheme will happen because CM lets members do almost anything and then after Lifetime makes a movie and CM is sued the site will go under.

    But until then the drama draws numbers!!!!

    1. That's honestly the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.

    2. That's how CM works though, for real.

  4. More than likely they were reported for harassment.

  5. I'll tell you something that may or may not be connected. I've been in communication with Sanmeer Hinduja, who is the co-director of the Cyberbullying Research Center for the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida Atlantic University. He's an eminent researcher and author on the subject and the driving force behind many anti-cyberbullying laws. I wrote him an email telling him about CM and said it may be worth looking in to since so many programs focus on kids, but there's really no research on adults engaging in this behavior. I just thought it would be an interesting angle, he found the evidence compelling (I sent him ss) and it seems like he's taken it on as a project. We email back and forth on a regular basis, the last update was Janurary 14th were he stated that he was in contact with the managing editor of CM and he was now involving 'other people.' I really didnt think he'd throw himself into this the way he has, but I think it could have a positive impact.

    1. Please tell us more of these conversations you have with an eminent researcher....

    2. Shut the fuck up and grow up! If you can't handle it, leave! We're adults! Everything isn't rainbows and campfires!

    3. Wow. You really have no life

    4. bitch groups state what they are all about when you apply to the group. The people that are in those groups are there because they WANT to be there. you can not be forced to be/stay there. ecerybody understands they can and probably will get their asses handed to them at some point.

    5. I'm sorry, but when you have people like Gina telling people to just go kill themselves and making up pedophile scenarios between CM members and their babies, that is vile. I didnt contact him to have people thrown off, I contacted him because I thought it would be an interesting angle in his research and I didnt know if his department was even aware that adults engaged in this behavior. If he's taking it this seriously, then clearly there's a problem beyond 'everything's not rainbows and campfires.'
      To Anon @ 12:02. Google him. His name is Sameer Hinduja. I would show the emails that have been swapped back and forth, but I don't know how to black out my name or email addy and I am NOT telling you who I am.

    6. Right? Thank God I am not the only one finding her behavior disgusting and wrong. What if someones family member or friends see that crap and actually THINK those people are doing that to their kids? That can get CPS involved and everything. I bet if someone told her parents what was going on they would be awfully disappointed in her ass since they are nice folks!

  6. You can and cyber stalking by DI group owner to the list. She posted the proof in her group proving what a dumbass she is.

    1. i think you mean meme. smh.

    2. You can send a ss to his email and tell him it's in regards to his case with CM. I'm not a member of that group.

    3. No she didn't dumb ass. Stop Meme .Just stop.

    4. I am talking about Trilli being a stalker.. you can try to twist it all you want.. Trilli posted the proof in her own group of what kind of sick bitch she is.. You ppl are fools... smh

    5. Misy you're the fucking stalker. Or have you forgotten the shit you did with Allie? Oh and I'm loving the fact you can talk all this shit in PW but your ass won't take it to DI. Pussy ass bitch

  7. In wildnbitches some one posted screenshots of someone's bank account being hacked.

    1. No. Meme posted edited SS's to try to make everyone think she was hacked. Meme needs to take a break and look in her own household for her alleged "hacker" AKA "Hubby".

    2. Trilliandent goggled another member, posted her pic n profile in DI ..Then claims everyone is stalking her when in fact Trilli is the stalker.

    3. It's hardly stalking when most of of you put your shit out there

    4. Trilli is FUCKED UP. I found an interesting article on her of anybody wants to read it.

    5. OMG Misy You are one to talk about stalking you went chasing after ALLIE digging up shit about her.......... And then you lied to others saying you didn't do it! and Memes crap is just that, CRAP... She went around and told people that Trilli had her bank info.... from a bank that closed 7 yrs ago...............

    6. Anon @8:33pm.. Please share with the class.

    7. Yes anon, I'd love to see this article you claim to have.

  8. Consuela, someone in mc is convinced that they found your Pinterest. True?

    1. I don't have a pinterest. Some on event me a link to a post in confessions but it poofed before I saw it :(

    2. Most of the shit is in the house. Lilroo was attacking armywifey because she won't say who you are

    3. Yeah, it disappeared before I could screenshot it for you :(

  9. I have several SS of that post Lilroo made in MC if your interested

    1. Maybe that was the link I had that poofed. I love to see posts about me. Please and thank you!

    2. What's the email to send in screen shots?

    3. It poofed because she reported like a pussy.

    4. It's still in HOIR

    5. I sent 3 SS from the post that the Lilroo twat waffle made in MC. I'm not sure if this is what you are talking about though.

  10. Misymac is on my blog with AllieKat's name up in her internet mouth again. If it is her real name it is posted over in my latest post and there can be a full on discussion about misymac if y'all want. Move it here if you want, I care not. <3 The Throne whores. I find Misymac crazy but still boring. The shock of her being sexually attracted to her grown son wears off after a while.

  11. Gina is permanently banned. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
